
Syrian children fleeing war alone find a welcome in Spain

Andalusia's regional government welcomed eight unaccompanied Syrian children relocated from Greece last year, a first in Spain.

27 Jun 2017

Iftar meals bring spirit of Ramadan to struggling refugees

In Lebanon and Jordan, providing daily meals gives a sense of community back to refugees fasting in the holy month of Ramadan.

23 Jun 2017

Award puts Malian refugee on road to university in Mauritania

Fatimetou is the only woman among this year's 18 recipients of DAFI scholarships at Nouakchott University, which enable young refugees to enrol in higher education.

23 Jun 2017

Forging Forward to a Better Future

Refugee doctor now serving the refugee and host community in Mozambican refugee camp, hopes to become a citizen

23 Jun 2017

Syrian student's library helps Arabic culture blossom in Berlin

Syrian refugee Muhannad has created a library devoted to Arabic literature and a venue for readings by authors from Berlin's literary scene.

22 Jun 2017

Live Blog: World Refugee Day gets under way amid record displacement

From Australasia to the Americas, UNHCR is leading celebrations of the lives of men, women and children finding new hope after escaping danger.

20 Jun 2017

Pastor and parishioners make refugees feel at home in U.S.

Reverend Bill Bigger and the local community are coming together to help shelter refugees resettled to North Carolina.

20 Jun 2017

Forced displacement worldwide at its highest in decades

UNHCR's annual Global Trends report says an unprecedented 65.6 million people were uprooted from their homes by conflict and persecution at the end of 2016.

19 Jun 2017

Thousands in eastern Ukraine lose access to pensions

Retired and elderly people in the non-government-controlled Donbas region have lost their pensions as a result of registration requirements.

14 Jun 2017