
South Sudan's recent violence splits hundreds of families apart

Attacks have forced school children to abandon their books and pregnant women to run for their lives.

13 Apr 2017

Escaping war at home, Syrian couple start over in Argentina

Majd and Lana fled fighting in Damascus. Now they have found hope and a fresh start in provincial San Luis.

12 Apr 2017

LGBTI refugee welcomes opportunity for new beginnings in South Africa

With support from UNHCR partner JRS, living as an openly gay refugee in South Africa doesn't seem so daunting

10 Apr 2017

Uprooted by war, Syrian mother gets help to beat depression

Depression is a major health issue facing refugees, but treatment and self-empowerment offer hope to those in need.

7 Apr 2017

Elderly and on the run from El Salvador's street gangs

Threatened by murderous street gangs, Margarita Ramirez* fled for Mexico where she is starting over at 72.

7 Apr 2017

Diner gives Burundian refugee a taste of self reliance

Running a small neighborhood restaurant in the Democratic Republic of the Congo gives a cook back her pride and her independence.

5 Apr 2017

Refugees demonstrate entrepreneurship and creativity

In Malawi, refugees use their initiative to establish small businesses to help support their families.

5 Apr 2017

Forging new leaders for a Colombian region torn by war

UNHCR-backed youth leadership school seeks to build a secure future for Chocó department, a remote region scarred by decades of conflict.

5 Apr 2017

Inclusion of South African women in refugee skills training project benefits all involved

Refugee access to livelihoods and the labour market through maintaining harmonious relationships with the host population in urban settings, is an objective to which UNHCR is committed.

5 Apr 2017