UNHCR braces for further displacement as Yemen conflict intensifies

On the eve of a key pledging conference to address the crisis in Yemen, the UN Refugee Agency warns up to half a million people could be uprooted by worsening conflict.

25 Apr 2017

A home away from home under UNHCR accommodation programme

In Greece, refugees find new homes with UNHCR assistance, putting an end to months of uncertainty.

19 Apr 2017

UNHCR assures Uganda of international commitment to support its refugee protection, management and social integration policies

Africa's largest refugee-hosting nation has 1.2 million exiles from neighboring countries

13 Apr 2017

Lack of documentation poses extra risk to displaced Syrians

Six years of war have left hundreds of thousands of displaced Syrians without valid documentation, compromising their freedom of movement and access to basic services.

13 Apr 2017

Families hit by conflict in South Sudan find safety in Sudan

Driven by fear and worsening food security, refugees cross into White Nile State.

12 Apr 2017

UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Barbara Hendricks sings with refugees in Greece

Acclaimed soprano and humanitarian says she is impressed by improvements to refugees' living conditions since last year.

11 Apr 2017

Rohingya orphans seek safe space to heal

UNHCR is working to identify and assess the best interests of unaccompanied children who recently arrived in the refugee camps of Bangladesh.

10 Apr 2017

Afghan boy retreats into silence after separation from family

Eight-year-old Farzad is one of a growing number of refugee children whose health has been affected by flight.

10 Apr 2017

More than 6,000 flee fresh South Sudan violence into Uganda

UNHCR expresses alarm at deteriorating security situation in South Sudan.

7 Apr 2017