Photographer's stark images capture lives of refugees

In his book "I can only tell you what my eyes see," published in London this week, Giles Duley turns his lens on those uprooted by war and persecution.

15 Jun 2017

Lyon restaurant serves up Syrian menu to launch Refugee Food Festival

After last year's success, the festival goes international with events in 13 European cities, starting in the capital of French gastronomy.

15 Jun 2017

Empowering refugees the focus of UNHCR, NGO meeting

Annual talks between UNHCR and representatives of 313 nongovernmental organizations begin in Geneva, focusing on ways to strengthen collaboration.

14 Jun 2017

Soccer stars kick off campaign to help refugees

Iconic footballers Lionel Messi and Neymar Junior back collaboration between FC Barcelona Foundation and UNHCR to help people displaced by war and persecution.

13 Jun 2017

Syrian family risks all to flee Raqqa as violence surges

As conflict advances on Raqqa, thousands have braved minefields and armed groups to flee the fighting and worsening humanitarian conditions inside the city.

13 Jun 2017

Profile in Perseverance

After 45 years of being refugees, a Burundian couple has built a life for themselves in Mozambique

9 Jun 2017

China can play key role in solving refugee crises - UNHCR chief

On his first visit to Beijing, Filippo Grandi was encouraged by China's potential to use development projects to address the root causes of displacement.

8 Jun 2017

Funding gap spells uncertainty for desperate Syrian refugees

Shortfall of more than US$1 billion for 2017 threatens vital UNHCR assistance for 60,000 vulnerable families in Jordan and Lebanon.

6 Jun 2017

Government of Tanzania brings together 'whole of society' to implement landmark refugee reforms

Tanzania leads broad range of stakeholders to launch key commitments that will safeguard over 300,000 refugees

5 Jun 2017