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IRIN News Aug 28
Why has this formerly sedate region exploded and who is responsible?
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Bienvenue/Karibu/Betu abu/boyei bolamu: among the many ways we'd like to say "welcome" from all of us here in
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Violence, fear limit access to care in Democratic Republic of Congo's area:
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When violence broke out a year ago the went from a peaceful region to a "humanitarian hotspot"
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WFP Media Aug 31
A raw glimpse of the struggles of displaced ppl in 's where conflict drives hunger, by head of video
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Awesome Ahmed ✌ Aug 30
seems to be really demanding these days 😏😏😏😏
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There are many unsung heroes providing help in crisis. Mppkolo Wa Mwoyo is one of them
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Alessandro Pasta Aug 29
Violence in region of Democratic Republic of Congo has forced over 1.4 million people to flee their homes.
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IRIN News Aug 29
Militia attacks and army reprisals have uprooted 1.4M people in a previously stable region of
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CARE ECSA Region Aug 29
Some quick facts on the crisis in the greater region and what CARE is doing to help those in need.
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Ephrem CHIRUZA Aug 29
: Within one week, students will be back to school but thousands of children mainly from are hopeless to attend due to the crisis
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MSF International Aug 28
: “The violence here was so terrible that we didn’t hear the birds sing for days" on
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We are establishing mobile clinics to ensure that pregnant women hiding in the bush in can still give birth safely.
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UNFPA Aug 28
Replying to @UNFPA
We are scaling up our response to the by providing quality reproductive health services to women in .
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CARE International Aug 28
Have you ever heard of in ? A brutal conflict has been ongoing for over a year, forcing 1.4 million people from their homes.
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CIVIC Aug 25
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Pointée du doigt, la défend son intervention dans le
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