Contact Us

For Legal Advice and Information

Please first read our Frequently Asked Questions and if you could not find an answer, please send us a detailed email or call us on + 46 845 74884. The Legal advice and Information service is only available via telephone on Tuesday to Thursday, 09:30 -12:00 CEST. We are unable to provide legal advice or information outside of these times. 

Journalists and Media Enquiries

If your enquiry is media related, seeking an interview or comment from UNHCR staff or otherwise related to our public advocacy, please review the materials page we have produced for the media. On this page you can also find the contact details of our spokespersons.

Contact an Office

UNHCR Regional Representation for Northern Europe

Ynglingagatan 14, 6 fl, SE-113 47, Stockholm, Sweden
Telephone: +46 8 457 48 80
Fax: +46 8 457 48 97

UNHCR Northern Europe

UNHCR National Liason Office, Vilnius.

A. Jakšto g. 12, LT-01105, Vilnius
Telephone: +370 5210 7416

Liaison Office, Vilnius