Hajer Naili


Roving Regional Communications Adviser at for C&W Africa. Fmr Comms & Social Media Coordinator. Started as a reporter. Views my own.

United States/ France/ Norway
Iscritto a febbraio 2011


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  1. Tweet fissato
    14 giu

    I wish that the world & the media could care abt/cover the humanitarian crisis affected the 7.7M women, men and children in Northeast with the same enthusiasm than they do for Nigeria’s national soccer team fashion style at the

  2. 19 ore fa

    The US is retrenching from global leadership, bashing the multilateral system, & attacking refugees & migrants, yet should the US nominated candidate to lead get a pass just because the US writes the biggest cheques? ask

  3. 20 ore fa

    2 yr ago, I traveled to Costa Rica - Nicaragua border which had become a transit point for African & Asian migrants heading to the U.S. The journey was longer & costlier journey than crossing the Med sea but less deadlier. Today, the trend continues:

  4. 21 ore fa

    Now in its 9th year, the violent conflict in northeast has caused one of the most severe crises in the world, with 7.7M people in need of humanitarian assistance. Here are 6 things to know about the crisis

  5. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    [THREAD] Today is . The refugee crisis is not only a humanitarian concern, but a formidable development challenge as well. Numbers 📊 help to tell this story 👇🏽

    Mostra questa discussione
  6. 20 giu

    Central African Republic: Tensions & violence have reached relatively calm cities like Bangui & Bambari. This is causing significant population displacement. 55K+ pp displaced in 1st quarter of 2018 670K pp are internally displaced 568k+ are refugees in neighboring countries

  7. 20 giu

    DRCongo: Nyiragine, 85, is the heartbreaking symbol of a crisis has lasted too long. She has has been living in Mungote displacement camp for 9 years. Today, 4.5M Congolese are displaced inside Congo while 735,000+ are in Sub-Saharan Africa.

  8. 20 giu

    Well arrived in Dakar! Let the new adventure begin with regional office for West & Central Africa

  9. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    The overwhelming majority of find safety in countries nearby. The top 5 refugee-hosting countries are Turkey, Pakistan, Uganda, Lebanon and Iran. The EU is there to help them get by.

  10. 20 giu

    Nigeria: For 3 years, Lami & her family were in Niger after fleeing a Boko Haram attack against her town. Last year, she returned to her home to only find rubbles. 1.7M persons are internally displaced in Nigeria while 203,000+ are refugees in neighboring countries

  11. 19 giu

    Between EU countries and the US, we have been witnessing a race to the bottom. As of the latest, Donald Trump tells the world “the US will not be a migrant camp or refugee holding facility.” Disgraceful!

  12. 19 giu

    Number of forcibly displaced person reaches a record high: 68.5M. This is almost 3M + than last year. While 3 countries -Turkey, Uganda & Bangladesh- hosted 1/2 of new , EU countries closed their borders & US decimated its resettlement program

  13. 19 giu

    Interviewed by our team in Damasak, Nigeria, these refugees claim to have not received aid in Niger. Today, NRC is distributing basic aid such as household items

  14. 19 giu

    Happening now in northeast : dozens of Nigerian refugees crossing Komadugu Gana river to receive humanitarian assistance in Damasak. These refugees fled to Niger after Boko Haram attacked & occupied Damasak in 2014 & have yet to return. 📷:

  15. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    BREAKING: 68.5 million people forced to flee their homes due to conflict, according to new study. The number is increasing for the 6th year in a row.

  16. ha ritwittato
    18 giu

    New update on situation in , Yemen: Contact info@nrc.no, +4790562329 for an interview or more information.

  17. 18 giu

    Teachers that are not teachers and more than 100 children in one classroom: ’s David Manan explains how the conflict with Boko Haram in Far North is leaving thousands of children out school

  18. 17 giu

    The number of keep increasing yet a lot can be done to support & empower them. Here are 7 ways that businesses can support them by

  19. 17 giu

    2 suicide bombers attack town in north-eastern only hours after country's army chief urged displaced residents to return home bc it was safe. This proves again that such calls can be too premature & are putting lives of civilians at great risk.

  20. 16 giu

    Boko Haram might have taken away all she had spent a life building, however they could not take away her sharp wit and entrepreneurial skills. This is the story of Sadiya whom I met in Maiduguri, , a few weeks ago.

  21. 16 giu

    Journo-friends: We have colleagues on the ground in Yemen. Be in touch with my colleague to arrange interviews 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽


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