John Green in Jordan

Author and vlogger John Green visited Syrian refugees sheltering in Jordan. Through this series of photographs, John documents some of the extraordinary stories of escape and survival he was told

Day one

  • John tours UNHCR's Registration Centre, the largest registration centre in the Middle East.
    John tours UNHCR's Registration Centre, the largest registration centre in the Middle East. © UNHCR/ J. Matas
  • As a backup to digital records, UNHCR maintains a paper file on every single registered refugee. "In each of these files, there is a novel to be written," says John.
    As a backup to digital records, UNHCR maintains a paper file on every single registered refugee. "In each of these files, there is a novel to be written," says John. © UNHCR/ J. Matas
  • John shares a joke with Syrian refugee Majed who lives with his family in the city of Amman. Majed was a farmer in Syria and is now on the waiting list for UNHCR's cash assistance program.
    John shares a joke with Syrian refugee Majed who lives with his family in the city of Amman. Majed was a farmer in Syria and is now on the waiting list for UNHCR's cash assistance program. © UNHCR/ J. Matas
  • John taking a selfie with Majed's four sons. 18-year-old Mahmoud wants to be a pharmacist, 16-year-old Issa would like to be an agricultural engineer, and nine-year-old Yaqoob and eight-year-old Yehic both like to play football.
    John taking a selfie with Majed's four sons. 18-year-old Mahmoud wants to be a pharmacist, 16-year-old Issa would like to be an agricultural engineer, and nine-year-old Yaqoob and eight-year-old Yehic both like to play football. © UNHCR/ J. Matas

Day two

  • John spends day two of his mission in UNHCR's Zaatari Camp, the second largest refugee camp in the world.
    John spends day two of his mission in UNHCR's Zaatari Camp, the second largest refugee camp in the world. © UNHCR/ J. Matas
  • John is briefed by UNHCR Zaatari Camp Manager. UNHCR invests in infrastructure that aims to meet the needs of those living in Zaatari.
    John is briefed by UNHCR Zaatari Camp Manager. UNHCR invests in infrastructure that aims to meet the needs of those living in Zaatari. © UNHCR/ J. Matas
  • John meets with a group of young men taking a course in digital photography at a UNHCR funded community centre. He learns about the reasons they were forced to leave Syria and what they miss most about their home.
    John meets with a group of young men taking a course in digital photography at a UNHCR funded community centre. He learns about the reasons they were forced to leave Syria and what they miss most about their home. © UNHCR/ J. Matas
  • John walks down Zaatari's famous Champs Elysee, home to many of the 3,000 shops in Zaatari.
    John walks down Zaatari's famous Champs Elysee, home to many of the 3,000 shops in Zaatari. © UNHCR/ J. Matas
  • John meets with a group of young girls in a UNHCR funded community centre. They talk to him about how important education is to them.
    John meets with a group of young girls in a UNHCR funded community centre. They talk to him about how important education is to them. © UNHCR/ J. Matas
  • John meets Mohammad, and they talk social media. John shows Mohammad how many Twitter followers he has!
    John meets Mohammad, and they talk social media. John shows Mohammad how many Twitter followers he has! © UNHCR/ J. Matas
  • John with Mousa and his family inside their home in Zaatari. Mousa's greatest wish is for his children to have an education.
    John with Mousa and his family inside their home in Zaatari. Mousa's greatest wish is for his children to have an education. © UNHCR/ J. Matas

Day three

  • View from a high point at UNHCR's Azraq Camp. The camp is currently home to almost 30,000 Syrian refugees.
    View from a high point at UNHCR's Azraq Camp. The camp is currently home to almost 30,000 Syrian refugees. © UNHCR/ J. Matas
  • John learning how new arrivals to the camp are received and assigned shelter in Azraq.
    John learning how new arrivals to the camp are received and assigned shelter in Azraq.  © UNHCR/ J. Matas
  • Playing with children in Azraq.
    Playing with children in Azraq. © UNHCR/ J. Matas
  • Enjoying a visit with 15-year-old Hussam whose dream is to become an engineer and to help rebuild Syria.
    Enjoying a visit with 15-year-old Hussam whose dream is to become an engineer and to help rebuild Syria. © UNHCR/ J. Matas
  • John visits an Azraq community centre, fully funded by UNHCR, where children enjoy a variety of activities, including access to tablet computers, videos and internet.
    John visits an Azraq community centre, fully funded by UNHCR, where children enjoy a variety of activities, including access to tablet computers, videos and internet.  © UNHCR/ J. Matas
  • Abu Mustafa and his family have recently been accepted for resettlement to the United States.
    Abu Mustafa and his family have recently been accepted for resettlement to the United States. © UNHCR/ J. Matas