For many along Ukraine's division line, cold is also an enemy

With over two million Ukrainians still displaced from their homes, UNHCR and local partners are helping the most vulnerable survive freezing temperatures.

28 Nov 2016

Burning trash to keep warm in Syria town cut off by war

UNHCR delivers winter clothing to residents of Qudsaya as part of a drive to provide life-saving aid to 4.6 million Syrians and Iraqis displaced across the region.

25 Nov 2016

UNHCR opens new camps for Mosul displaced as winter bites

New camps open their doors as others fill up, with efforts ongoing to protect displaced families from freezing temperatures.

25 Nov 2016

Displaced youth seek to heal divided Colombian town

As a peace deal to end Latin America's longest-running conflict advances, young people are setting an example with a push to end hostility among neighbours.

24 Nov 2016

The agony of Aleppo follows Syrian refugees into exile

Despite having found safety in Lebanon, Alaa continues to be haunted by unspeakable loss and tragedy in her hometown of Aleppo.

24 Nov 2016

Overcoming statelessness in Thailand one case at a time

More than 23,000 stateless people have been granted Thai nationality in the last four years as the Southeast Asian nation seeks to end statelessness by 2024.

24 Nov 2016

Iraqis with disabilities struggle for dignity in camp

Unable to leave her tent unassisted, 94-year-old Fatima's plight highlights the challenge for Iraqis with disabilities in adapting to conditions in displacement.

22 Nov 2016

Grandi meets some of two million displaced by Ukraine conflict

UNHCR chief urges safety nets for those really in need – the elderly, the disabled and poorest.

22 Nov 2016

UNHCR uses drones to help displaced populations in Africa

Remotely piloted aircraft help to assess needs of people fleeing conflicts and persecution in Mali, Nigeria and South Sudan.

21 Nov 2016