Last Updated: Friday, 23 June 2017, 07:41 GMT

National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities

Showing 1-10 of 637 results
Maldivian Citizenship Act

20 April 2017 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Nationality Law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)

2 March 2017 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Kenya: Legal Notice No. 178, Extension of Time

7 October 2016 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Costa Rica: Decreto ejecutivo n. 39620 de 2016, Reglamento para la declaratoria de la Condición de Persona Apátrida

8 April 2016 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Chile: Ley n. 20.888 de 2016, Modifica los requisitos para obtener la nacionalización

8 March 2016 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Constitutional Law of the Republic of Tajikistan on Nationality of the Republic of Tajikistan

8 August 2015 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Administrative Instruction (MIA) No.05/2015 for the Procedure and Criteria of Determining the Status of the Stateless Person, the Manner of Acquisition of the Citizenship by the Stateless Person and the Person with Refugee Status

May 2015 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Mali: Décision No. 2014-0191/MJDH-SG, Création d'un comité interministériel sur l'apatridie

17 November 2014 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

Niger: Loi no. 2014-60 du 2014, portant modification de l'ordonnance no. 84-33 du 23 août 1984, portant Code de la nationalité nigérienne, modifiée par l'ordonnance no. 88-13 du février 1988 et l'ordonnance no. 99-17 du 4 juin 1999

5 November 2014 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

United Kingdom: The Immigration and Nationality (Cost Recovery Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2014

1 October 2014 | Publisher: National Legislative Bodies / National Authorities | Document type: National Legislation

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