Meraj Uddin


From "The Lañd Of Beäuty" To "The Ciťy Öf Liğhts" 😊😊😊

Iscritto a ottobre 2014


Hai bloccato @merajuddin700

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  1. 21 giu

    I have 2 new followers from Turkey 🇹🇷, and more last week. See

  2. 7 giu

    I have 3 new followers from Saudi Arabia, and more last week. See

  3. 31 mag

    I have 8 new followers from Pakistan, and more last week. See

  4. 24 mag

    I have 4 new followers from Turkey, and more last week. See

  5. 17 mag

    I have 7 new followers from Pakistan, and more last week. See

  6. ha ritwittato
    9 mag

    Aleem Dar "The right hand index finger in Islam has a special meaning as it's used to denote the unity of Allah & I dont want to use that finger for cricket as you can make incorrect decisions, which is why I use my left hand index finger for giving decisions"

  7. 10 mag

    I have 3 new followers from Pakistan, and more last week. See

  8. 3 mag

    I have 7 new followers from Spain, and more last week. See

  9. ha ritwittato
    25 apr

    وہ تمام لوگ جو سمجھتے ہیں اسلام آباد کے نئے ائیر پورٹ کا نام عبدالستار ایدھی کے نام پر رکھا جانا چاہئے وہ ری ٹوئیٹ کریں یا اس “ہیش ٹیگ” کے ساتھ ٹوئیٹس کریں۔۔ آئیے اپنے طور پر کوشش کرتے ہیں۔

  10. ha ritwittato
    26 apr

    السلام و علیکم!! اسلام آباد کے نئے ائیر پورٹ کو عبدالستار ایدھی کے نام سے منسوب ہوجانا چاہئے، اگر میرے ساتھ متفق ہو تو ریٹویٹ کریں

  11. 26 apr

    I have 6 new followers from Pakistan, and more last week. See

  12. ha ritwittato
    20 apr

    Top countries currently hosting refugees in the world: 1. Turkey = 2.9 million 2. Pakistan = 1.4 million 3. Lebanon = 1 million Photo credit: Sam Phelps . via

  13. ha ritwittato
    13 apr

    Asifa is India's Zainab. Only difference is that no Pakistani marched for the rapist of Zainab. No Pakistani chanted "Pakistan Paindabad" for that beast. The courts of Pakistan sentenced the beast to death, while our lawyers are trying to block the trial. Are we a failed state?🤔

  14. ha ritwittato
    12 mar

    Syria is bleeding inside and out. As the war in Syria enters its eighth year, I spoke to the Security Council today urging action to end the suffering and find a political solution to the conflict.

  15. ha ritwittato
    13 mar

    Be strong. Have faith. Never give up.

  16. ha ritwittato
    24 feb

    Ya Allah , please help Ya Allah , please help Ya Allah , please help Ya Allah , please help Ya Allah , please help Ya Allah , please help Ya Allah , please help If this doesn’t wake you up then i’m lost. 💔

    Questo contenuto potrebbe includere materiale sensibile. Scopri di più
  17. 4 feb

    RT This 🔝 Plzzz .

    Mostra questa discussione
  18. 2 feb
    Mostra questa discussione
  19. ha ritwittato
    25 dic 2017
  20. ha ritwittato
    6 dic 2017

    These are the countries that have warned Pres. Trump against his decision to name Jerusalem the capital of Israel


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