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The UN Agency () in Jordan. Follow us for news and stories about our work helping the 730,000 refugees in Jordan.
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Stefano Severe 21h
The Holly month of Ramadan comes to a close & refugees in Za'atari camp prepare for the Eid fest as any other person of the same faith would
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UNHCRJordan Jun 22
On Eid Al Fitr, May the spirit of this season bring peace and prosperity for all.
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UNHCRJordan Jun 22
مع أطيب التمنيات بمناسبة عيد الفطرالمبارك أعاده الله على الجميع بالمحبة والسلام وكل عام وانتم بخير
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UNHCRJordan Jun 22
Huge thanks to for highlighting refugees
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António Guterres Jun 20
Don't stop the refugees; stop the wars that produce them.
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Embamex Jordania Jun 20
Throw back to the days ArteFactum visited Jordan and shared their talent
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UNHCRJordan Jun 20
Thanks for standing and signing the petition
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Aminah Zamora Jun 20
are made from light are made of smokeless fire, not all of them are evil. Thinking of happy
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Barry Armstrong Jun 20
Outdoor screening 'Zaatari Djinn'. Downtown Amman backdrop. special guest. nice work
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UNHCRJordan Jun 20
The screening of 'Zaatari Djinn' starts in Amman
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hester clark Jun 20
. commemorates in Amman, highlighting importance of standing
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CARE Jordan Jun 20
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Shahd Qamhiya Jun 19
"بدون المساعدات النقدية رح يضيعو ولادي" - ابو ناصر في الاردن مهدد بقطع المساعدة عنه بسبب نقص التبرعات. كون عون لهم
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Shahd Qamhiya Jun 19
أبو أحمد على قوائم الانتظار لاستلام المساعدة النقدية. "المساعدة ممكن تخفف عني عبئ كتير، ابسطها هم تأمين الايجار"
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UNHCRJordan Jun 20
A music & dance group has become an instant hit in Jordan coastal city of Aqaba for its unique take on Syrian/Jordanian folklore
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UNHCRJordan Jun 20
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UN Refugee Agency Jun 19
Today is World . When we stand together , we also stand for respect and diversity for all.
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Filippo Grandi Jun 19
On we celebrate the courage of refugees. We honour those who help them stay safe. We think of solutions to their plight.
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Darrian Traynor Jun 19
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UNHCRJordan Jun 18
Listen to the story of Amal live in at 10:30 |Amal is a Syrian refugee who coaches girls football in
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