Bottled sand builds better homes for Sahrawi refugees

In the remote desert of southwest Algeria, a young Sahrawi refugee is filling discarded bottles with sand to build shelters that better withstand the harsh climate.

11 Jan 2017

Displaced Mosul family denounce torture

Haidar and his sister doubted they would survive torture by extremists in Iraq's second largest city. Now, with UNHCR's help, they are confronting their experiences.

10 Jan 2017

'Growing hopelessness' grips 'forgotten' Somali refugees, warns UNHCR

UNHCR Special Envoy Mohamed Abdi Affey says nearly one million displaced Somalis face growing desperation as donors become fatigued.

9 Jan 2017

Amid the ruins of Aleppo, UNHCR sees signs of hope

The agency's representative in Syria says 261,000 residents have received winter aid, but needs persist as many shelter in damaged buildings and informal camps.

4 Jan 2017

Q&A: Far from being traumatized, most refugees are 'surprisingly resilient'

The words 'trauma' or 'traumatized' are often used to describe refugees, but UNHCR's Senior Mental Health Officer Pieter Ventevogel says most in fact cope with adversity.

3 Jan 2017

Team Refugees: Looking to the future

It is now four months since 10 refugees made history at the Olympic Games -- a life-changing experience for all involved.

29 Dec 2016

Austrian bishop breaks down barriers and builds understanding

A bishop who refused to allow a border fence to be built on church land has helped to change hearts and minds in Austria.

28 Dec 2016

Mosul residents face battle for survival

While many residents have fled an ongoing battle to retake Iraq's second city, thousands of families in Mosul struggle to find food, water and protection.

28 Dec 2016

Refugees serve up a taste of home at food festival in France

Strasbourg restaurants open their kitchens to refugee chefs, changing perceptions one palate at a time.

27 Dec 2016