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SunGod Dj Jun 20
Replying to @TwitterGov
Propaganda at its finest
Hayk Simonyan Jun 20
Replying to @TwitterGov
No war, no cry.
Green Dreams Jun 20
Replying to @TwitterGov
No, let us keep our homes and values
Green Dreams Jun 20
Replying to @TwitterGov
We are being divided in so many ways flooding the west with 3rd world migrant is just one
Twitter Government Jun 20
Replying to @TwitterGov
Celebrating a day of action or founding date? Add it to your Twitter profile to unlock balloons on your special day.
Talcon Jun 20
Replying to @dejan1233 @TwitterGov
The good kind
SunGod Dj Jun 20
Replying to @mryamyams @TwitterGov
No such thing
money mcgregor Jun 20
Replying to @TwitterGov
what if i dont
Talcon Jun 20
Replying to @dejan1233 @TwitterGov
Nah it's okay to propagate good ideas
SunGod Dj Jun 20
Replying to @mryamyams @TwitterGov
Stats show that letting refugees in is anything but a good idea
Talcon Jun 20
Replying to @dejan1233 @TwitterGov
Saying "statistics show" without naming a source should always be preceded with an 'UM, ACKSHUALLY'
Carolyn Davis Jun 20
Replying to @TwitterGov
A video from Philadelphia in USA of refugees saying what they want their neighbors to know about them.