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MAGA Rescue 8h
FOAK is onsite helping with water rescues and medical evac.
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Paul Nehlen 8h
Paul Ryan circles holidays on his calendar in red ink not to celebrate, and instead screw over America w the likes of DACA.
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🇺🇸Jojoh888🇺🇸🌹 4h
What a great time for a it is. Enjoy!
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Infidel Angela🇺🇸 7h
YES!! Kurt Russell rips into in this EPIC rant!! 👏🏼👏🏼🇺🇸🇺🇸
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MAGA Rescue 7h
Trump Truck is heading to Texas for search and rescue.
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John Desantis 7h
What should happen to "Dreamers," those that came as children illegally with parents? Retweet and tweet your opinions.
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Minnesota Patriot 3h
I don't care who pays for the wall! It just needs to be built... "Mexico Will Pay" was not what made me support it!l
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John Desantis 5h
Should we deport criminal illegal immigrants? Retweet and tweet me your opinions.
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M A Nöthem 8h
✔RETWEET✔ if you DEMAND Congress get off their sorry butts and get this wall going! Trump can't do it by himself.
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Paul Nehlen 2h
Sessions DOJ should bring Comey up on corruption and obstruction-of-justice charges.
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🇺🇸#OurTakedown 3h
This is in England. I will never submit to . Keep sharia law out of the West! 🦅🇺🇸
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Special Interest Obama boy, Paul Ryan MUST GO !!
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SparkleMAGA🇺🇸 5h
Is it SELFISH to put Our country Our kids Our veterans Our citizens FIRST?☝ 👉Yes. And it's about damn time! 🇺🇸
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Lou Dobbs 5h
Perjury– ’s Chris Farrell: Comey testified he hadn’t made up his mind on Clinton when he clearly did.
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👠ɳαɳ૮ყ ن 5h
This is Bradford If Liberals keep pushing & her , it will soon be
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Infidel Angela🇺🇸 3h
Damn RIGHT I'm look at history!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸 You'll have to take it from my cold dead 💀 hands!!
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M A Nöthem 8h
Democrats are same old haters they have ALWAYS been. They just traded in the uniform for a new one. Losers...
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Lou Dobbs 6h
Undermining – Paul Ryan relentlessly trying to destroy GOP, save DACA. Join Dobbs NOW on FBN
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Lou Dobbs 15h
Draining the swamp means DOJ must quickly reopen investigation of Clinton Email and Foundation scandals
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Jeanine Pirro Aug 31
Met woman from Minnesota in DC today. Read her sign‼️
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