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  1. Jun 16

    If gentrification is bad why is allowing a country to be overrun by immigrants good?

  2. Jun 13
  3. 6h

    Rescue? Or deliberate ferrying?

  4. 11h

    startled by hundreds of gangs lurking in 'no-go zones' it denies

  5. 6h
  6. Jun 16

    is ready to challenge ’s sanctions over migrants in court

  7. Look it's another documentary about life in a 3rd world nation... wait... no... it's ... 😨😱😵

  8. Jun 17

    How cheap migrant labor force can become a burden for 's

  9. 5h
    This media may contain sensitive material. Learn more
  10. 5h

    YouTube adds pushing the 'refugee' agenda.

  11. 13h

    Not OK in my book! EU , are blacklisted in a Swedish library

  12. 19h

    Dominant conservative/RW MSM press 3': Moscow will answer anything. again after Ankara's threats

  13. 20h

    Let's stop using the terms "migrant" and "refugee". Cal them what they are: invaders.

  14. 21h

    Govt profess "pacifism"" assistance" despite indifference against

  15. 21h

    Islamist dawa is a look back to be a right-wing bias. So there's that. Here's how to

  16. Jun 21

    Iron () curtain: stands up to Brussels on refugee issue

  17. Jun 20
  18. trying to do to America, what they're doing in EU: = Population Replacement for profit.✊

  19. Jun 19

    5 key figures to help you to understand the programme cc

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