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DaveWrightTheThinker Jun 16
If gentrification is bad why is allowing a country to be overrun by immigrants good?
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Sputnik 11h
startled by hundreds of gangs lurking in 'no-go zones' it denies
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The Black Knight 6h
Rescue? Or deliberate ferrying?
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Ace News Services 5h
WE DON’T NEED THEM Austrian FM WANTS to end Islamic kindergartens to…
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Anonymous 5h
YouTube adds pushing the 'refugee' agenda.
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The Black Knight 6h
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Sputnik 13h
Not OK in my book! EU , are blacklisted in a Swedish library
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PostUmbraLux 20h
Let's stop using the terms "migrant" and "refugee". Cal them what they are: invaders.
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Sputnik Jun 21
Iron () curtain: stands up to Brussels on refugee issue
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Gorgeous Wreck Jun 20
Once again, is a must-read on our politically manufactured
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🐸 RedPills4All 🇺🇸 Jun 19
trying to do to America, what they're doing in EU: = Population Replacement for profit.✊
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Sciences Po Jun 19
5 key figures to help you to understand the programme cc
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Güçlü Jun 19
Replying to @NRC_Egeland
This is a .When our ancestors migrated to america they had to make a life of their own,they didn`t get all handed to them
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Middle East Monitor Jun 19
: 200 migrants kidnapped and tortured in |
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Daily Express Jun 18
Calais camp in Britain? Brexit may mean UK takes in more migrants if border laws scrapped
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Middle East Monitor Jun 17
's coastguard intercepts 900 - some were travelling in wooden boats without engines!|
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Hilander Jun 17
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Sputnik Jun 17
How cheap migrant labor force can become a burden for 's
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Democracy At Work Jun 17
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Sputnik Jun 16
is ready to challenge ’s sanctions over migrants in court
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