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  1. 21 giu

    @ ! La nuova collezione vi aspetta presso lo 26 Delle Ghiaia, Fortezza da Basso, . @ Pitti Immagine

  2. 17 giu
  3. 17 giu

    Angelina Jolie visits Mosul Iraq, less than a year after the city’s liberation, walking through bombed out streets and meeting families,. “This is the worst devastation I have seen in all my years working with UNHCR. People here have lost everything.”

  4. 17 giu

    ‘You can smell the bodies’: Angelina in one year after ‘liberation’ by -led coalition.

    Mostra questa discussione
  5. 16 giu

    star Angelina visits and urges world not to forget people of the city & warns of the danger of delay in reconstruction and recovery

  6. 14 giu
  7. 14 giu
  8. 13 giu
  9. 8 giu
  10. 6 giu
  11. 5 giu

    Nuovo arrivo: JOLIE di UNOPIÙ La piccola poltroncina JOLIE si distingue per l'eleganza e il raffinato dettaglio delle sue finiture, in cui la miscela di materiali diversi crea un armonioso accostamento di stile e colore.

  12. 5 giu

    Angelina Jolie ages with grace, she is in her 40s and looks better than ever 😍

  13. 31 mag

    L'estate della tua si popola di pois bianchi! Visita il nostro sito web e scopri tutte le creazioni della collezione SS18 →

  14. 30 mag

    Silly story that Angelina is green with envy with Amal . Angelina does real human rights work, has a good career and she is a loving mother of 6. Angelina probably doesn't even know who Amal is!

  15. 23 mag

    “De vrouwelijke medewerker is iemand die volgens de leiding van Kinderdagverblijf in ’graag enige aandacht van mannen wenst.” Doe dat thuis. Niet bij een kinderopvang. Totaal geen verantwoordelijkheid!

  16. 22 mag
    Questo contenuto potrebbe includere materiale sensibile. Scopri di più
  17. 22 mag
  18. 19 mag

    has become one of the most recognized spokespersons for the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees

  19. 18 mag
  20. 16 mag

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