
General Information

The duration of internships normally last six months. Internships are offered depending on the availability of meaningful assignments and the needs and capacity of the office to receive and supervise interns. UNHCR Ireland usually advertises these positions to law schools and media schools, as well as on its website. Continue to check this page from time to time.


The kind of work interns are offered depends on UNHCR requirements as well as the qualifications and interests of the applicant. Most interns work on a project which will benefit both them and UNHCR, in fields such as refugee protection (legal), international relations, administration and public affairs.


Applications for internships with UNHCR Ireland can be submitted directly to the office on foot of an advertisement. 


More information on internships can be accessed on UNHCR's main international website.

UNHCR Ireland Vacancy

UNHCR Ireland is now hiring an External Relations Intern for our Dublin office. To find out more, click below:


UNHCR Ireland External Relations Intern Vacancy

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