Christos StylianidesVerified account


European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management - EU Ebola Coordinator Account managed by me and my team.

Joined March 2014


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  1. : EU giving a helping hand to the via damage assessment maps

  2. @ Ambassadors Conference: Thank you for your great work, constant dedication & support to our common goal to make positive contribution.

  3. @ Ambassadors Conference: your engagement is critical to address issues through dialogue with partner countries.

  4. @ Ambassadors Conference: you are best placed to observe External challenges and prepare responses that address our citizens' concerns.

  5. Addressing this morning the Ambassadors Conference in Brussels. Our Delegations are the face and voice of our Union around the globe.

  6. Activation of by to help combat . Closely monitoring the situation

  7. From my visit to this May. Deeply saddened by the latest escalation of violence, we need to ensure the safety of all civilians. 2/2

  8. Worried by the significant outbreak of violence in , I invite all parties to abide by and guarantee access. 1/2

  9. EU helps mobilise further support for via to battle We stand in solidarity with Italy

  10. Aug 28

    In , & the help mums break the cycle of undernutrition, giving their children a better chance at a future 👏

    , , and 3 others
  11. Continua sostegno UE all'Italia per combattere . 2 Canadair e un aereo di sorveglianza grazie alla Francia attraverso

  12. EU support to to fight continues. Big thanks to for providing 2 Canadairs & surveillance aircraft via

  13. Soutien UE à l'Italie continue . Grand merci à la pour les 2 Canadairs et 1 avion de reconnaissance fournis via

  14. En Barcelona, por las víctimas y por la libertad. . MR

  15. EU Providing satellite maps after floods in Northern

  16. In Syria, Yemen and South Sudan, the level of civilian casualties is appalling. I call on all parties to ensure their safety and protection.

  17. activation through . Providing satellite maps to assist to tackle

  18. There is no place in EU for extremism, intolerance & oppression. Read the statement by &

  19. Siamo pronti a fornire alle autorità nazionali qualsiasi tipo di assistenza immediata necessaria

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