Live shot of the visible landscape border between Hizbollah-run part of Lebanon and Israel. Can you guess which side belongs to which?pic.twitter.com/VnyI2jHHQ0
Come to the guitar hero booth if ur a real mans
#Aleppo Summer Center: cheering up#Children 's lives http://bit.ly/2rZPJe2 pic.twitter.com/TSsj4eqscw -
Friday quiz! How many people did we reach with safe water during emergencies in 2016? http://uni.cf/results
oh god can't any more soooooo cutehttps://twitter.com/kikakhj/status/878305873877016576 …
UPCOMING CONCERTS The king of the stage
@NassifZeytoun#NassifAdda#NZ pic.twitter.com/wVL8XuRtV1 -
Adebayor fans v the 13 year olds who reply "love you, wish you wernt shit" everyone soldado tweets COYS pic.twitter.com/4ffgFWmpEG
400 hygiene kits for
#women &#children were distributed in#Moadamieh, rural#Damascus in cooperation with the#Al_Sham NGO for#Health.pic.twitter.com/j1ihSlRnru -
"I’m proud to join
@UNVolunteers who'll create more opportunities for#youth to serve in#Syria to promote#peace & positive#change.pic.twitter.com/qvUpPfIYVS -
Listen to our 1st
#UNV volunteer@SalamNukta inspiring & amazing message to#youth@UNFPA@UNFPAyouth#volunteers#YouthNow@UNVolunteerspic.twitter.com/5JWYsKoXkj -
Famine is ebbing in
#SouthSudan but situation is still desperate for children as hunger spreads http://uni.cf/2tNl402#FightingFaminepic.twitter.com/ijoHUM1nyc -
#King of The Stage@NassifZeytoun will See You On Board !#StarsOnBoard August 27 - 31#Barcelona BookNow : http://WWW.SOBC.ME pic.twitter.com/7i4SVBV7ZH -
"I miss my friends in
#Damascus, I wish to see them & play together" Karam told colleague Ruba@UnfpaSyria in besieged East#Harasta#Syriapic.twitter.com/8EPTgIMWFa -
Celebrating cyrine's big success
#MuchLove@elieabounajem@CyrineAbdlNourpic.twitter.com/R5CjfJPH3R -
Meet our field staff of the medical mobile team who work tirelessly to support
#women in@UNFPA#humanitarian operations in#ALHassakepic.twitter.com/2DISUWGs3y -
#Young people in#Homs insisted with their passion & dedication to deliver a message of#hope &#peace . 1st@TEDxMimasStreet in#Homspic.twitter.com/aW8Lcy1qZc -
Russian helicopters flying by Monastery of St. George in Homs.pic.twitter.com/Jmz0jwuAA5
@BabatundeUNFPA left us a legacy to takeover after his death & we will keep it alive",@TEDxYouthJahez#BabatundeLegacy#Youth@UnfpaSyriapic.twitter.com/7W4wwKNCAZ
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