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Amin Awad Retweeted
#RefugeeDay2017 - 65.6m of our fellow humans forcibly displaced. Art speaks so eloquently
@joelartista#banksy HassanJarbou Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Amin Awad Retweeted
تجاوز العدد الإجمالي للأشخاص الذين عبروا وسط البحر المتوسط منذ بداية العام 60,000 شخص.
#قوارب_الموت Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Fruitful discussion with PM Nechervan Barzani
@nechervanbarza1 on the Mosul operation, the humanitarian response & return of Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Amin Awad Retweeted
"How we treat refugees is a measure of our humanity as nations” UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie,
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Amin Awad Retweeted
Don't stop the refugees; stop the wars that produce them.
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Constructive discussions w partners & displaced from
#Mosul. Funding shortages = severe reprecusions on aid delivery. Far too much at Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Church in Qarqoch in N.
#Iraq shows heavy levels of destruction. City almost deserted. Renewed efforts to restore services so ppl can Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Displaced familes in
#Mosul want to return to their homes if cond'ns allow to do so in safety & dignity. Aid & services need to be in Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Levels of trauma experienced by Iraqis displaced from
#Mosul truly alarming. Many children have scabies & are suffering from skin Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Speaking w displaced Iraqi families who fled
#Mosul. Challenges high but our resolve is greater. Essential we stay the
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65.6m forcibly displaced. Highest ever. Need upsurge of diplomacy, solidarity. Determination must prevail over fear …
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Amin Awad Retweeted
Pope Francis called on people to meet refugees in order to overcome fear "Now more than ever we need to be
#WithRefugees" Mondiale del Rifugiato 2017Papa Francesco all'AngelusThanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Amin Awad Retweeted
Refugees who have fled war and persecution deserve and are legally entitled to our protection and support.
#withrefugees …
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Amin Awad Retweeted
يعيش أكثر من خمسة ملايين
#سوري كلاجئين في البلدان المجاورة، مما يجعلهم أكبر مجموعة من#اللاجئين في العالم. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Amin Awad Retweeted
We're deeply concerned for 260 Somali + Ethiopian migrants + refugees held captive by gangs in
#Libya Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Pleased to have participated in
#UNHCRNGOs#MENA session. Thriving civil society=effective hum action. More is achieved if we work together …Thanks. Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Amin Awad Retweeted
51% of world’s refugees are children. They deserve an education. If you agree, sign the
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Underfunding could mean that thousands of Syrian
#refugee families could lose essential lifeline of assistance & think of moving Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Cuts in aid will have immediate, dramatic effect on welfare of
#Syrian refugees &#hosts, stabilizing refugees in the Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo -
Today I briefed member state & donors in
#Geneva on#Syria refugee sit'n & Regional Refugee & Resilience Plan (3RP). Only 23% Twitter will use this info to make your timeline better. Undo
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