Saudi Arabia

Saudi authorities in 2017 continued to arbitrarily arrest, try, and convict peaceful dissidents. Dozens of human rights defenders and activists are serving long prison sentences for criticizing authorities or advocating political and rights reforms. Authorities systematically discriminate against women and religious minorities. In 2016, Saudi Arabia carried out 154 executions, 23 for non-violent drug crimes. On January 2, 2016, Saudi Arabia executed 47 men for terrorism-related offenses, including prominent Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr, who was convicted following a deeply flawed trial. A Saudi-led coalition continued an airstrike campaign against Houthi forces in Yemen that included the use of banned cluster munitions and apparently unlawful strikes that killed civilians. 


Take Action

Stop Arming Saudi Arabia

Stop Arming Saudi Arabia

UPDATE: The final Senate vote results were 47 votes in favor of the resolution to stop arming Saudi Arabia and 53 against. While this was not enough to block the deal this sends a powerful message that it will not be business as usual between the US and Saudi Arabia.

President Trump has announced a $110 billion weapons deal to Saudi Arabia, doubling down on US support for a Saudi-led coalition military campaign in Yemen that has resulted in numerous violations of the laws of war. The United States shouldn’t be rewarding Saudi war crimes with more weapons. We need your help: Call your senators and tell them to vote for bipartisan Senate Joint Resolution 42 blocking the sale of weapons that could be used by Saudi Arabia to commit more abuses. Time is running out!