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  1. 4 minuti fa

    Creative Destruction: and Disruptive Innovations 🗣 Find out more at !

  2. 5 ore fa

    Barack Obama said reading in the that makes all other learning possible.

  3. "A teacher without empathy and compassion is as useless as a book without light."- Robert John Meehan

  4. 11 ore fa

    Don't miss this amazing session by our to understand how leveraging along with can help maximize for institutions

  5. 12 ore fa
  6. 15 ore fa
  7. 16 ore fa

    Proud of our students at SU and all over who creatively & effectively lead this charge. They are true .

  8. 18 ore fa

    Michigan public university discriminates against males, non-blacks with ‘code camp’ program: complaint

  9. 20 ore fa

    A BIG THANKS go out to , , & Rep. Richard for your votes in support of & appreciates you!

  10. 20 ore fa

    Myra Snell opening the community of practice, with the probable placement rule for statistics.

  11. 20 ore fa

    Grateful to every member of the House who supported our students, campuses and our state today.

  12. 21 ore fa

    Easy to use, saved heaps of time and made a fun process. looked beyond conventional methods like surveys and focus groups to a more innovative solution.

  13. 24 ore fa

    Indiana is incredibly lucky to have Fellow Teresa Lubbers as Commissioner. Truly enjoyed these last few days w/her and others celebrating the launch of and thinking big about the future of .

  14. 22 giu

    Please to share my research, “Equity at Canadian Universities: National, Disaggregated and Intersectional Data,” conducted for the AWA at . Infographic designs by Dr . Tx for data sharing

  15. 22 giu
  16. 22 giu

    "Southern University allows you to be you.. a BETTER you." - Alacia Without a stabilized budget, Alacia cannot grow as a student or professional in her career field.

  17. 21 giu

    Imagine what Louisiana’s universities could accomplish if its presidents, student leaders, faculty, and staffs didn’t have to spend months fighting for $ to keep the lights on.

  18. 20 giu

    Without full funding of TOPS, students like Alacia won't be able to continue family legacies in .

  19. 20 giu
  20. 20 giu

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