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Sickle cell anaemia: a hidden disease in Nigeria

The prevalence is between twenty and thirty per cent in certain parts of the country

Sickle cell disease is a genetic condition that affects how red blood cells develop. It is a disorder which can be passed from parents to children. People suffering from this disease are predominantly of African, Caribbean, Middle Eastern, Eastern Mediterranean and Asian origin. In Nigeria, a law is proposed to force prospective couples to have a sickle cell test before getting married. The head of the Sickle Cell Foundation in Nigeria, Dr Annette Akinsete, has reacted to this proposal. (Photo: A doctor evaluates a patient suffering from sickle-cell anaemia in Kinshasa, DR Congo. Credit: Junior D. Kannah/AFP/Getty Images)

Nigerian athlete's wig falls off during long jump

Blessing Okagbare was competing in the long jump in Oslo when the hair-raising moment occurred.

Amsoshin Takardunku 10/06/2016

Amsoshin Takardunku tare da Raliya Zubairu 10/06/2016

Nigeria officers 'cleared' of war crimes

Nigeria's army has exonerated retired senior officers accused by rights group Amnesty International of committing war crimes during the campaign to defeat militant Islamist group Boko Haram in the north-east.

A special board of inquiry had cleared the group of retired officers, including Maj-Gen John Ewansiha who spearheaded the operation against the militants, an army statement said.

In a 2015 report, Amnesty called for nine commanders to be investigated for "horrific war crimes" committed by the military.

This included "participating, sanctioning or failing to prevent the deaths of more than 8,000 people murdered, starved, suffocated, and tortured to death", Amnesty said.

Nigerian soldiers patrol in the north of Borno state close to a Islamist extremist group Boko Haram former camp on June 5, 2013 near Maiduguri.
Nigerian troops have been battling militants since 2009