After another bitter loss, can Democrats ever top Trump?
- 21 June 2017
- From the section US & Canada

A party can't build a governing majority with moral victories.
On Tuesday Democrat Jon Ossoff came close to beating Republican Karen Handel in a Georgia congressional district that has been historically conservative but trending left. In the words of the immortal Ricky Bobby of Talladega Nights, however, "If you're not first, you're last".
There have been four congressional special elections this year where Democrats and Republicans have gone head-to-head, and the Democrats have been "not first" in all of them. That prompted Donald Trump to take a Twitter victory lap on Tuesday night.
"Well, the Special Elections are over and those that want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN are 5 and O!" he wrote. "All the Fake News, all the money spent = 0".
The president's math is a bit off, of course. He's probably counting the Georgia primary, in which Mr Ossoff finished first, as a "win" and ignoring a California congressional election where no Republicans made it to the final round of balloting.
Read full article After another bitter loss, can Democrats ever top Trump?
If Trump obstructed justice, what next?
- 20 June 2017
- From the section US & Canada

The latest Washington parlour game is trying to determine whether or not special counsel Robert Mueller is currently investigating Donald Trump for obstruction of justice in the Russia election meddling inquiry.
Mr Trump's lawyers have denied it. The president himself seemed to confirm it. Mr Mueller isn't talking. All this speculation misses the bigger question, however. What happens if Mr Mueller not only is looking into possible criminal misdeeds by the president, but he ends up finding them?
A Washington baseball tradition in peril
- 14 June 2017
- From the section US & Canada

Congressman Joe Barton of Texas and Chuck Fleischmann of Tennessee walked down the road near a baseball field in Alexandria, Virginia, in stunned silence. Mr Barton's two sons were alongside, the younger still carrying his glove and staring intently at the ground in front of him.
Less than an hour earlier, they had been part of the chaotic scene when a gunman opened fire on Republican politicians, staff and friends who were practising baseball. Congressman Steve Scalise, the third-ranking member of the party's House of Representatives leadership team, was seriously wounded, as were several others.
What Sessions did (and didn't) tell us
- 14 June 2017
- From the section US & Canada

The glimpse Jeff Sessions offered into the controversies bedevilling the Trump administration came through a glass, darkly.
During his testimony before the Senate committee investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign, he was often evasive. His accounting of details was uncertain, littered with "I don't recalls" and "I have no recollections".
Five questions Jeff Sessions may face at Senate hearing
- 13 June 2017
- From the section US & Canada
US Attorney General Jeff Sessions' appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday is the biggest thing to hit Washington since, uh, last week.
OK, so the sequel to the James Comey hearing doesn't have the same build-up as the original, but that doesn't mean that there won't be fireworks - or that the proceedings can't cause new headaches for the Trump administration.
Read full article Five questions Jeff Sessions may face at Senate hearing
A legal 'dream team' looking at Trump
- 13 June 2017
- From the section US & Canada

The Senate testimony of ex-FBI boss James Comey dominated the headlines last week, but the latest announcements from Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation could be a more ominous indication of trouble on the horizon for the Trump administration.
Mr Mueller, who was tasked by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein with overseeing the Justice Department's inquiry into possible ties between the Trump presidential campaign and Russian operatives, is staffing up his office - and bringing in some prosecutorial heavy-hitters.
Five takeaways from James Comey's testimony
- 8 June 2017
- From the section US & Canada

James Comey didn't bury Donald Trump in his Senate testimony, but he dug a Trump-sized hole in the ground.
While the former FBI director danced around what, if anything, the ongoing investigation into possible Trump campaign Russia ties has found, he was much more forthcoming about his relations with the president, before and after his dismissal - and how they made him feel.
Read full article Five takeaways from James Comey's testimony
Seven questions for ex-FBI chief James Comey at Congress
- 6 June 2017
- From the section US & Canada

When former FBI Director James Comey testifies on Thursday before a Senate committee for the first time since being fired by President Donald Trump in May, it quite possibly will be the biggest piece of political theatre the nation's capital has seen in a generation.
The city is going to grind to a halt to observe the spectacle. Local bars are opening early to host viewing parties. Democrats and Republicans will be united in rapt attention as the former director has his first opportunity to publicly give his account of his interactions with the president and the circumstances of his dismissal.
Read full article Seven questions for ex-FBI chief James Comey at Congress
What Trump's latest Twitter tirade tells us
- 5 June 2017
- From the section US & Canada

The London Bridge attacks set Donald Trump off on an extended Twitter rant over the past few days, reviving his calls for sweeping immigration action and renewing old feuds with Democrats, gun-control advocates and even the mayor of London.
While White House advisor Kellyanne Conway recently complained that the media have an "obsession with covering everything he says on Twitter and very little of what he does as president", Mr Trump is the pot-stirrer-in-chief, who has the power to drive debate and shape events.
Read full article What Trump's latest Twitter tirade tells us
Does Trump still think climate change is a hoax?
- 2 June 2017
- From the section US & Canada

For a speech about whether the US should remain a party to the Paris climate accord, Donald Trump's Rose Garden address on Thursday didn't have a whole lot of discussion about, you know, the climate.
There was plenty of talk about jobs and the US economy. He offered more than a few expressions of concern over whether other nations were being given an unfair advantage over the US. And then there was that lengthy opening plug for his presidential accomplishments that had nothing to do with the environment whatsoever.
Read full article Does Trump still think climate change is a hoax?