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Lucy Hooker

Business reporter, BBC News

Will we still be able to rely on seasonal workers from Eastern Europe to bring in the strawberry harvest?

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'Focus on domestic workers first rather than migrants'

Firms should focus more on domestic workers instead of just relying on migrants, says property developer Richard Tice.

Listen: Alarm on migration 'not necessary' says chair Migration Watch

The World at One

BBC Radio 4

Crossbencher Lord Green, the chair of the campaign group Migration Watch, says that the Conservatives are right to try to cut net migration numbers to less than 100,000.

He told BBC Radio 4's The World at One, that something has to be done, because the population is growing so rapidly at the moment that "we'll have to build a city the size of Liverpool every year" to accommodate it.

He added that if "you get net migration down to zero, you could still keep the people we've got, and replace any who left, so frankly a lot of this alarm is not necessary".

'Don't treat international students as migrants'

Language school director Val Hennessy wants foreign students taken out of the UK's migration figures.

General election 2017: BNP policies and party numbers

Britain is "full up" and the British National Party would offer a voluntary repatriation grant to cut numbers.

Iain Duncan Smith: EU membership let in low-value, low-skilled people'

Iain Duncan Smith says a work permit system would allow Britain to bring in high-value people from the EU and fewer "low-value, low-skilled people".