Last Updated: Wednesday, 21 June 2017, 17:32 GMT

External Links

This collection of external links is a directory of organizations dealing with refugee, asylum and human rights topics or provide (country-specific) information otherwise useful for practitioners. The directory contains over 3000 links to relevant internet sources and has been compiled and organized by type of organization, topic/mandate, regions and countries they relate to. This additional service has been provided to facilitate research by providing a mechanism to access information that may be relevant for decision makers and is not as such included in Refworld.

UNHCR is not responsible for the content and availability of non-UNHCR websites. Content displays in a new window.

Showing 21-30 of 3,164 results
African Union (AU)

Type: Regional Organizations | Topic: Democracy / Rule of Law

African Union/United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID)

Type: United Nations | Topic: Military and Peacekeeping


A comparative series of national public attitude surveys on democracy, markets and civil society in Africa.

Type: Research Institution | Topic: Democracy / Rule of Law

Agency Coordinating Body For Afghan Relief

Type: Non-Governmental Organizations | Topic: Democracy / Rule of Law

Agência Angola Press

Type: News/Media Organizations | Topic: Media (Censorship / Media Freedom / Journalists)

Ahbab - Site of the Gay and Lesbian Arab Society

Type: News/Media Organizations | Topic: Sexual Orientation


The site includes daily news on developments in the world of HIV, searchable databases of HIV treatment and care, worldwide HIV organisation listings, and comprehensive ranges of patient information available on the web.

Type: Reference Information | Topic: Health

Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK)

Type: Non-Governmental Organizations | Topic: Human Rights

Al Jazeera

Type: News/Media Organizations

Algeria: National People's Assembly

Type: Governmental Organizations | Topic: Country Profiles/Information

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