This collection of external links is a directory of organizations dealing with refugee, asylum and human rights topics or provide (country-specific) information otherwise useful for practitioners. The directory contains over 3000 links to relevant internet sources and has been compiled and organized by type of organization, topic/mandate, regions and countries they relate to. This additional service has been provided to facilitate research by providing a mechanism to access information that may be relevant for decision makers and is not as such included in Refworld.
UNHCR is not responsible for the content and availability of non-UNHCR websites. Content displays in a new window.
Center for Gender and Refugee Studies (CGRS)
CGRS works to impact the development of law and policy to protect women fleeing gender-based violence. Type: Research Institution | Topic: Gender Issues |
Center for Gender and Refugees Studies - US & International Case Law
The Center for Gender & Refugee Studies (CGRS) is the nations leading organization supporting women asylum-seekers fleeing gender related harm, at both the practice and policy levels. CGRS works to impact the development of law and policy to protect women fleeing gender-based violence. Type: Legal Associations | Topic: Gender Issues |
Donors Working Group on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting
Type: Inter-Governmental Organizations | Topic: Gender Issues |
GBV Prevention Network
Activists and Practitioners Committed to Preventing Gender-Based Violence in the Horn, Easterna nd Southern Africa. Type: Non-Governmental Organizations | Topic: Gender Issues |