Last Updated: Wednesday, 21 June 2017, 17:32 GMT

Policy Documents

Selected filters: European Union
Showing 1-10 of 11 results
Common EU Guidelines for Processing Country of Origin Information (COI)

April 2008 | Publisher: European Union | Document type: Thematic Guidelines

Joint Africa-EU Declaration on Migration and Development (Tripoli, 22-23 November 2006)

23 November 2006 | Publisher: European Union | Document type: Resolutions/Recommendations/Declarations

The EU and Africa: Towards a Strategic Partnership

19 December 2005 | Publisher: European Union | Document type: Policy/Position Papers

EU Plan on Best Practices, Standards and Procedures for Combating and Preventing Trafficking in Human Beings (2005/C 311/01)

9 December 2005 | Publisher: European Union | Document type: Policy/Position Papers

Council and Commission Action Plan implementing the Hague Programme on strengthening freedom, security and justice in the European Union

12 August 2005 | Publisher: European Union | Document type: Policy/Position Papers

Brussels Declaration on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings

29 November 2002 | Publisher: European Union | Document type: Resolutions/Recommendations/Declarations

Return Action Programme

28 November 2002 | Publisher: European Union | Document type: Policy/Position Papers

Plan for the Management of the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union

14 June 2002 | Publisher: European Union | Document type: Policy/Position Papers

Comprehensive Plan to Combat Illegal Immigration and Trafficking of Human Beings in the European Union (2002/C 142/02)

28 February 2002 | Publisher: European Union | Document type: Policy/Position Papers

Action Plan of the Council and the Commission on How Best to Implement the Provisions of the Treaty of Amsterdam on an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice ("Vienna Action Plan")

3 December 1998 | Publisher: European Union | Document type: Policy/Position Papers

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