UI/UX Design for Mobile App (Android/iOS)

Service Description

Creative and professional UI/UX design service for your Mobile App (iOS, Android).

Checkout our recent work on here :
- http://dribbble.com/Dayat
- http://be.net/ahmadnurhidayat

This service will do:
- UI/UX Design for Mobile with following latest trending design style or you can pick design style that you want.
- Up to 10 screens.

What you'll get :
- Sketch source file with well organized layer, pixel perfect and organized symbol (http://sketchapp.com)
- All needed design assets, Icon, Illustration, Images and Font.


Briefing Details

Please provide a clear brief about what project that you want to build including the list below:

- Application name.
- App logo.
- Screen flow or Application flow.
- Platform (iOS / Android)
- Existing app design examples, which you like. (links / screenshots)
- Existing color that you love.
- Wireframes or mockups (if available)
- Additional notes tha you think will be helpfull to crafting your project.



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    15 Jobs done
    3 days
    2 Jobs done
    10 days
    5 Jobs done
    14 days