Envato Market Refund Rules

Information for Authors

Hi, we're Envato and welcome to the Envato Market Refund Rules. These rules outline what is expected from you as an Author on Envato Market. They provide a transparent approach to refunds, giving both you and your buyers a great platform experience and a "fair go".

As the creator and owner of your items, you are responsible to people who buy them. These rules are based on consumer laws that we think are the best “baseline” to apply to transactions that happen on Envato Market. Please be aware that in addition to these rules, each country has its own laws surrounding refunds and we think it would be a good idea for you to familiarise yourself with any other applicable laws where you are located and where a buyer is located.

Here are the situations in which we expect you to give a refund on your item and related services if requested by the buyer. For more information see this Help Centre article.

Item is "not as described"

An item is "not as described" if it is materially different from the item description or preview so be sure to "tell it like it is" when it comes to the features and functionality of your items. If it turns out the item is "not as described" you are obligated to refund buyers of that item.

Item doesn't work the way it should

If an item doesn't work the way it should and can't easily be fixed you are obligated to refund buyers of the item. This includes situations where your item has a problem that would have stopped a buyer from buying it if they'd known about the problem in the first place. If the item can be fixed, then you should do so promptly by updating your item otherwise you are obligated to refund buyers of that item.

Item has a security vulnerability

If an item contains a security vulnerability and can't easily be fixed you are obligated to refund buyers of the item. If the item can be fixed, then you should do so promptly by updating your item. If your item contains a security vulnerability that is not patched in an appropriate timeframe then you are obligated to refund buyers of that item.

Item support is promised but not provided

If you promise your buyers item support and you do not provide that support in accordance with the item support policy you are obligated to refund buyers who have purchased support.

Item support extension not used

If a buyer purchases an item support extension and requests a refund of that extension before their existing item support expires you are obligated to refund buyers who have purchased that item support extension.

Items that have not been downloaded

Where a buyer requests a refund for an item that they have not downloaded within 3 months from the date of purchase, you are obligated to provide a refund. You can verify the purchase date and a buyer's claim that they have not downloaded an item from the Refund Request page where you manage the refund request. Although we think 3 months is a reasonable time, depending where some buyers are located, they might have a longer period to claim a refund if they have purchased for personal use and haven't downloaded the item.

When a refund does not need to be given

If your item is materially similar to the description and preview and works the way it should, there is generally no obligation to provide a refund in situations like the following:

  • they don't want it after they've downloaded it;
  • the item did not meet the their expectations;
  • they simply change their mind;
  • they bought an item by mistake;
  • they do not have sufficient expertise to use the item;
  • they ask for goodwill;
  • they can no longer access the item because it has been removed (we advise buyers to download items as soon as they buy them to avoid this situation).

Resolving disputes

If you and your buyer can't come to an agreement about a refund, Envato will investigate the matter and try to resolve the issue. We will make a decision based on all available information and if we decide to issue a refund we will process the refund on your behalf (the cost of which may be shared with you).

Even though you must still follow these rules as a baseline standard, if a buyer requests a refund, you as the creator and owner of the item can decide to grant a refund independent of these rules.

Additional obligations to EU buyers

If any of your buyers are located in the EU they may have additional rights over and above these baseline standards. We encourage you to seek any further information required directly from the website of the European Union Commission and consult with a professional advisor if necessary. As a guide, for those additional EU rights to apply, the buyer must be located in the EU and purchased your item for personal use only and not in connection with business, trade or commerce. If the buyer meets this profile, then we strongly recommend a mistaken purchase refund be provided for a period of up to 12 months from the date the customer receives your item, even if they have downloaded it

Version 1.1 - Effective date: July 2016.
