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Syrian family enjoying "precious gift" of knowing children are safe in Essex

A Syrian family who paid smugglers to hide their baby in a suitcase to get across the border to make their escape from the country say they're grateful to be given a new life in Essex.

Zak Al Halak, 34, and his family - one of fifteen families who've found refuge in the county - live in Brightlingsea.

Zak Al Halak
Al Halak family

The family came to England last Autumn from a refugee camp in Lebanon. Five years ago they had been forced to flee their Syrian home after it was engulfed in fierce fighting.

Mr Al Halak - speaking through an interpreter - said: "There was a battle and we were under siege for about six days inside our house.


"The shelling was continuous and the gunshots were like rain on us."

He said that these days the most precious gift is knowing his three children are safe.

"Everyone is treating us in a humane way," he said. "This is what we were missing because of the war in Syria."

Al Halak family