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  Thursday, 22nd June 2017 Displaying 11 to 20 of 549 events

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Wednesday, 28th June 2017

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

National WASH WG Meeting

Location: UNHCR Office Beirut Leah Building
Contact: Renata Raad - David Adams ( (RAADR@unhcr.org; dadams@unicef.org) )
Event created by Maroun Sader UNHCR Lebanon (27/12/2016)
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Water & Sanitation

Thursday, 29th June 2017

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Inter agency coordination meeting - Mt Lebanon

Location: UNHCR ML Leah building , 4th floor
Chaired By: UNHCR, UNDP & MOSA
Contact: Alain Ghafari (Ghafari@unhcr.org)
Event created by rahal UNHCR Lebanon (27/12/2016)
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10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

North Water Sector Monthly WG Meeting

Location: Tripoli,UNHCR Office
Chaired By: Charbel Salam Eid (UNICEF Field Coordinator, Water Sector, North)
Contact: Charbel Hanaa (channa@unicef.org) 76 888425
Event created by Asim Younis UNICEF Lebanon (21/04/2017)
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Water & Sanitation
Water Working Group Lebanon
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Bekaa Health Working Group

Location: UNHCR Zahle
Chaired By: UNHCR - UNICEF
Contact: Mona Kiwan - Sabine Abdul Sater (kiwanm@unhcr.org - sabdulsater@unicef.org)
Event created by Maroun Sader UNHCR Lebanon (19/06/2017)
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Health Working Group Lebanon
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Shelter WG Meeting - T5/ Akkar

Location: UNHCR Tripoli
Description: Last Thursday of Every Month, alternating between Akkar and T5. Please check with the Sector Lead.
Chaired By: UNHCR, PUAMI
Contact: Michele Ghelli, Carla Melki (ghelli@unhcr.org, lib.pic.akk@pu-ami.org)
Event created by Adrian Combrinck UNHCR Lebanon (27/12/2016)
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Friday, 30th June 2017

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Basic Assistance WG Meeting - Bekaa

Location: UNHCR Bekaa
Contact: Hassan Mourad (MOURADH@unhcr.org)
Event created by Maroun Sader UNHCR Lebanon (27/12/2016)
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Core Relief Items (CRIs)
Cash Assistance

Monday, 3rd July 2017

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Information Management Working Group - Bekaa

Location: Zahle, Lebanon
Contact: Said Abou Kharroub (aboukharroub@un.org) 00961 76 508848
Event created by Said Abou Kharroub OCHA (27/12/2016)
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Information Management
Information Management

Tuesday, 4th July 2017

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

SGBV Working Group Meeting - Bekaa

Location: UNHCR Zahle
Chaired By: UNHCR
Contact: Esther Akinyi Olang - Marcella Rouweler (olang@unhcr.org - rouweler@unhcr.org) +961-71911380 - +96176421667
Event created by khalilk UNHCR Lebanon (30/01/2017)
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Gender-Based Violence
SGBV Task Force - Lebanon
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


Location: Saida (Blue Mission Organisation premises),
Description: alternation every month Tyr (Imam Sadr Foundation premises) Sarafand (Lebanese Welfare Association for the Handicapped).
Chaired By: MoPH-NMHP
Contact: Nour Kik (nourjkik@gmail.com ) +961 70804483
Event created by Maroun Sader UNHCR Lebanon (23/01/2017)
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Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
Health Working Group Lebanon
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

South Water Sector Monthly WG Meeting

Location: UNICEF Office-Tyr-Jal El Bahar area - Kaawar Bldg. (3rd floor).
Chaired By: Salam Eid Salam Eid (UNICEF Field Coordinator, Water Sector, South & BML)
Contact: Salam Eid (saeid@unicef.org) 961 70 996 624
Event created by Asim Younis UNICEF Lebanon (21/04/2017)
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Water & Sanitation
Water Working Group Lebanon

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