UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency's posts
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Syria to Egypt: Raghad's Story

MD Hassan:

swapna devote: i request all african people you do not afraid if white rich people shoot you, you please believe GOD NURSING ALL FARMER BY MAKE A SAPIDITY IN ALL PLANT, IN WHICH WAY ALL FARMER PREPARE MEDICINE ,JUST LIKE DIABETES MAN ARE TAKING A SEED OF BERRY, ERUPTION MAN ARE MASSAGE MARGOSA LEAF, WHEN MAN'S LUNGS COUGH THEN TAKE BASIL LEAF, JAUNDICE ATTACK MAN ARE TAKING LEAF OF PIGEON-PEA, so GOD look after you all , so if white rich man shoot you then GOD GIVE YOU BIRTH YOU AGAIN , so you listening my song , and remain empty handed, but do not take any revenge against white rich people

news amid: I amid mammadov ask you to help me the deal is that the consul of uzbekistan in baku called tashkent to ask for several times to give me help but they answered that I have no relationship to uzbekistan though i have an uzbek birth certificate in any place I go in baku they say we cannot help I ask for help 15 years even unhcr red crescent red cross iom baku said that they cannot help us my parents worked in uzbekistan then they married and I was born in december 9, 1982. when I was a child they come in baku and I was registered here until I was 15 years old when my mother sold our flat she got very little money from it and we couldn t buy a new one since 15 years old I suffer now I hawe a permanent residency but they say I must acguire citizenship of uzbekistan people please help us my father died mother is I'll shei 54 she cries every day please help us to get job and home I am weak that s why I cannot work hard I cannot lose my mother some russian and foreign people help us they trust us when we show them our documents we want to go back to uzbekistan but we hava no money please call us we will explain you our situation we are dying please people i have registration Baku unhcr but i stateless person to me anything don t help at our place there are no clothes i and mother on the street to us don t give tent please save us god will help you+994703073601 email newsamid@gmail.com
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France: Stranded in Calais

kisambira eid: I heard that you have the program of constructing feeder roads for the refugees in kiryandongo i would like to be employed as excavator Operator by the name am Isabirye Idi thank you

amid mammadov: I amid mammadov ask you to help me the deal is that the consul of uzbekistan in baku called tashkent to ask for several times to give me help but they answered that I have no relationship to uzbekistan though i have an uzbek birth certificate in any place I go in baku they say we cannot help I ask for help 15 years even unhcr red crescent red cross iom baku said that they cannot help us my parents worked in uzbekistan then they married and I was born in december 9, 1982. when I was a child they come in baku and I was registered here until I was 15 years old when my mother sold our flat she got very little money from it and we couldn t buy a new one since 15 years old I suffer now I hawe a permanent residency but they say I must acguire citizenship of uzbekistan people please help us my father died mother is I'll shei 54 she cries every day please help us to get job and home I am weak that s why I cannot work hard I cannot lose my mother some russian and foreign people help us they trust us when we show them our documents we want to go back to uzbekistan but we hava no money please call us we will explain you our situation we are dying please people i have registration Baku unhcr but i stateless person to me anything don t help at our place there are no clothes i and mother on the street to us don t give tent please save us god will help you+994703073601 email newsamid@gmail.com

Wanxia Liao: A message to the migrants: If what the migrants want is only wealthier life, EU is a good place to go. But don't not repeat my mistake that cost my whole life - democracy and freedom is NOT for everybody in the West. You might even need to be White to point out to a White professor that your ancestors also had the capability of appreciating beauty. Unfortunately, me, not White but thought "free speech" was for every one, and I winded up a criminal of thoughts here in Canada -- being charged for a crime of “threat” the government forced me to commit, arrested 3 times, imprisoned for 8 days, convicted for threatening the White professor in my mind, lost all jobs, unemployed since, barred from courts, and from Internet speaking even by the US and Canadian governments. Yes, all these happened in Canada and US. And the UN’s so called “human rights bodies” refuses to hear my complaints.
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Indonesia: Rough Crossing

BADER KEMITI: Why do not you open your office in Algeria?

Chi Sasa: From the Port of Djibouti in North Africa, it is with great sadness and burning outrage that I announce that the voyage of the Iran Shahed Rescue Ship has concluded. We will not reach our destination at the Port of Hodiedah in Yemen to deliver humanitarian aid.
The unsuccessful conclusion of our mission is the result of only one thing: US-backed Saudi Terrorism.
Yesterday, as it appeared our arrival was imminent, the Saudi forces bombed the port of Hodiedah. They didn’t just bomb the port once, or even twice. The Saudi forces bombed the port of Hodiedah a total of eight times in a single day!
The unsuccessful conclusion of our mission is the result of only one thing: US-backed Saudi Terrorism.
Yesterday, as it appeared our arrival was imminent, the Saudi forces bombed the port of Hodiedah. They didn’t just bomb the port once, or even twice. The Saudi forces bombed the port of Hodiedah a total of eight times in a single day!

Jasna C: Hi, can anyone provide any updates on the EHP Programme 2015? When can applicants expect to hear whether they're going further in the process? I've tweeted to @UNHCRCareers twice with no reply, also checked on UNHCR on Facebook and there is no information. Please advise.
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Germany: Sounds of Silence

IMMIGRATI PARASSITI: tutto business di soldi andate affanculo

Dzung President: : From December 7 up today each time I sent to UNHCR's contact form, no respond. They stole the emails of UNHCR or...

Mohamad Albitar: Hello I am Mohammed from Syria Homs lost my family and my father and my brothers in the war and live with my mother now in Turkey accompanied me hit him in the neck of my foot instep calcification I now have hobbled in the knees and I do not have a specific non- mother is aged 49 years, I hope to help and conductive to the Office of the United Nations in
I went to Qahdd by not be accepted from the outer door They told me you go in Syrian Organization lesions are serving you
But the question I have been gone for my rejection of all camps for completion number . In the inside . And I suffer from a disability for not help me at work and stand my mother works and help me so it's framed to take off the veil of acceptance in the work I wish to consider and help I want to resort humanist in Europe , treatment and attention to me and by my mother and will inevitably Ward known to work and offer nothing in return to take care of any country European me please, I do not want drowning
I went to Qahdd by not be accepted from the outer door They told me you go in Syrian Organization lesions are serving you
But the question I have been gone for my rejection of all camps for completion number . In the inside . And I suffer from a disability for not help me at work and stand my mother works and help me so it's framed to take off the veil of acceptance in the work I wish to consider and help I want to resort humanist in Europe , treatment and attention to me and by my mother and will inevitably Ward known to work and offer nothing in return to take care of any country European me please, I do not want drowning
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Malaysia: Escape to Hardship

Mirinho Tomas Manuel: Deus vox ama

Victor Mamsene: ouhai!,c est normal pour des vraix humain,l assistance
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Malta: Dying at Europe's Doorstep

Mark Freeman:
Nothing more Ugly than rich people telling someone else s story to massage their own egos. Its funny I cant remember Jolie campaigning against the US lead wars that cause the plight that negotiates the flight from these peoples homelands. She is a pornographer of poverty
Nothing more Ugly than rich people telling someone else s story to massage their own egos. Its funny I cant remember Jolie campaigning against the US lead wars that cause the plight that negotiates the flight from these peoples homelands. She is a pornographer of poverty

john doe: Even if she did, I couldn't care less. Those people have witnessed horrible disasters and have suffered great losses but even if they survive the Mediterranean Sea they arrive on a continent where most of the inhabitans don't want them to stay. Few people in Europe understand what's happening at our most southern border, one of the deadliest borders in the world, by the way. So, if Angelina Jolie speaks up for those people it's the opposite of ugly. I don't quite understand how those widespead deaths at the hands of the European Union have anything to do with Jolie's private life.

Olga Levin: +Mark Freeman
As someone who was a refugee from eastern Europe back in the late 80's, I can tell you right now, those people have no voice. Their voices get drowned by politicians who promise too much and do too little or nothing, or they get attacked in their own homelands. I applaud her for using her status to speak up for the voiceless.
As someone who was a refugee from eastern Europe back in the late 80's, I can tell you right now, those people have no voice. Their voices get drowned by politicians who promise too much and do too little or nothing, or they get attacked in their own homelands. I applaud her for using her status to speak up for the voiceless.
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Indonesia : Saransika’s Journey

Basim Husen: السﻻم عليكم
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High Commissioner Guterres on Syrian refugees resettlement

asfaw hafiso: to save z generation ..& our lovely world....may be include ecopolitical..solution..

asfaw hafiso: hi dear ..we must do in all direction...to safe life of ..children & mothers; youth....
it needs in depth coordination...worldwide...
it needs in depth coordination...worldwide...
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Germany: The Sound of Peace

news amid: I amid mammadov ask you to help me the deal is that the consul of uzbekistan in baku called tashkent to ask for several times to give me help but they answered that I have no relationship to uzbekistan though i have an uzbek birth certificate in any place I go in baku they say we cannot help I ask for help 15 years even unhcr red crescent red cross iom baku said that they cannot help us my parents worked in uzbekistan then they married and I was born in december 9, 1982. when I was a child they come in baku and I was registered here until I was 15 years old when my mother sold our flat she got very little money from it and we couldn t buy a new one since 15 years old I suffer now I hawe a permanent residency but they say I must acguire citizenship of uzbekistan people please help us my father died mother is I'll shei 54 she cries every day please help us to get job and home I am weak that s why I cannot work hard I cannot lose my mother some russian and foreign people help us they trust us when we show them our documents we want to go back to uzbekistan but we hava no money please call us we will explain you our situation we are dying please people i have registration Baku unhcr but i stateless person to me anything don t help at our place there are no clothes i and mother on the street to us don t give tent please save us god will help you+994703073601 email newsamid@gmail.com
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Lebanon: Through the Eyes of a Refugee
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