"Human Books" in your school

What is it?

The Human Books project by Amnesty International brought several refugees, migrants, asylum-seekers and members of ethnic minorities to some 20 schools in Czech Republic in 2014. The speakers acted as “human books”, telling their often harrowing stories to local school children in secondary schools all over the country.

The project was repeated in 20 more schools in 2015 and had a profound and lasting impact on some pupils who were confronted with their own prejudices.

Amnesty International is now working with what is called a “Human Library” of speakers to combat xenophobia and fears of strangers or new arrivals.

Materials Available

The Human Books project is described in detail on a blog post on Amnesty International’s website. The project can easily be replicated in some form in schools in other countries.

Age groups

The Human Books project.


A blog post on the project is available in English.

An article on the project in Czech, with an interview with one of the refugee speakers in Czech can be found on Amnesty International’s Czech website.

How to order

All materials are available on the websites mentioned above.