Films - Life on Hold and Rain is beautiful

What is it?

A Life on Hold is an Amnesty International film about teenage Somali refugee Omar, who fled his country, crossed the deserts of northern Africa and Libya, ending up in Tunisia, where he stayed in Choucha refugee camp. We follow Omar’s resettlement to Sweden in a second film, Rain is Beautiful, where he received aid and gets treatment for a missing kidney and wounds sustained under war and torture.

Materials Available

The film package consist of a seven minute film, A Life on Hold and a second eight minute film, Rain is Beautiful.

Age groups

Suitable for pupils aged 12 - 15 and 15 – 18.


The films are mostly Somali and Swedish-spoken, but subtitled in English and a number of other languages.

How to order

The films can be watched on Youtube and Vimeo, and are included in Amnesty International’s list of seven recommended films on refugees.