City of Sanctuary network

What is it?

The City of Sanctuary network is an initiative by a group of charities aimed at creating local initiatives to welcome those fleeing conflict and persecution. Over sixty UK and Ireland cities and communities have set up a local City of Sanctuary chapter since the movement started in Sheffield in 2005.

Materials Available

Schools are actively encouraged to participate in activities set up by local charities under the City of Sanctuary label.

Schools wishing to welcome refugees can consult the Schools of Sanctuary Resource Pack which contains a set of very practical guidelines as well as guidelines on creating a welcome atmosphere for refugee children in school.

The Resource Pack also contains a comprehensive reading list and link to external teaching resources that can be used in the classroom, including a selection of video films for children and lesson plans in Power Point etc.

Age groups

The Schools of Sanctuary resources package is mainly aimed at school leadership and can be used in both primary schools and secondary schools.


The resources on the City of Sanctuary web portal are available in English.

How to order

All resources are available as free downloads or as links to resources on City of Sanctuary’s website.