
D-407/2015a Post Emergency Institutional Latrine (Fully Lined Desludgable Latrine With Raised Option) Design and BoQ (UNHCR, 2015)

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This document contains documentation to help UNHCR and WASH actors build desludgable institutional latrines in refugee settings. The package includes: Technical Drawings; Step by Step Construction Drawings; Bills of Quantity; Material and Workmanship Specifications; and Design Calculations.

D-307/2015a Emergency Raised Water Platform (Concrete Rings) Design and BoQ (UNHCR, 2015)

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This document contains materials to help UNHCR and WASH actors construct emergency raised water platforms in refugee settings. The package includes: Technical Drawings; Step by Step Construction Drawings; Bills of Quantity; Material and Workmanship Specifications; and Design Calculations.

D-406/2015a Urine Diverting Dry Toilet (Raised, Alternating Dry Vault Toilet) Design and BoQ (UNHCR, 2015)

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This document contains documentation to help UNHCR and WASH actors build urine diverting dry toilets (UDDT) in refugee settings. The package includes: Technical Drawings; Step by Step Construction Drawings; Bills of Quantity; Material and Workmanship Specifications; and Design Calculations.

D-303/2015a Post Emergency Hand Dug Well Apron (Circular Concrete) Design and BoQ (UNHCR, 2015)

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This document contains materials to help UNHCR and WASH actors construct hand dug well aprons in refugee settings.The package includes: Technical Drawings; Step by Step Construction Drawings; Bills of Quantity; Material and Workmanship Specifications; and Design Calculations.

D-306/2015a Emergency Raised Water Platform (Sandbags) Design and BoQ (UNHCR, 2015)

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This document contains materials to help UNHCR and WASH actors construct emergency raised water platforms (sandbags) in refugee settings. The package includes: Technical Drawings; Step by Step Construction Drawings; Bills of Quantity; Material and Workmanship Specifications; and Design Calculations.

D-402/2015a Household Domed Slab (Mass Fabrication) Design and BoQ (UNHCR, 2015)

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This document contains documentation to help UNHCR and WASH actors mass-produce circular domed squatting slabs in refugee settings. The package includes: Technical Drawings; Step by Step Construction Drawings; Bills of Quantity; Material and Workmanship Specifications; and Design Calculations.

D-403/2015a Household Toilet and Bathing Unit (Domed Slab, Alternating Pit, Raised Pit) Design and BoQ (UNHCR, 2015)

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This document contains documentation to help UNHCR and WASH actors build household toilet and bathing units (domed slab) in refugee settings. The package includes: Technical Drawings; Step by Step Construction Drawings; Bills of Quantity; Material and Workmanship Specifications; and Design Calculations.

D-302/2015a Post Emergency Handpump Apron Design (Rectangular Concrete) and BoQ (UNHCR, 2015)

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This document contains documentation to help UNHCR and WASH actors install post emergency concrete handpump aprons in refugee settings. The package includes: Technical Drawings; Step by Step Construction Drawings; Bills of Quantity; Material and Workmanship Specifications; and Design Calculations.

D-301/2015a Post Emergency Tapstand Design (Rectangular Concrete) and BoQ (UNHCR, 2015)

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This document contains documentation to help UNHCR and WASH actors install post emergency concrete tapstands in refugee settings. The package includes: Technical Drawings; Step by Step Construction Drawings; Bills of Quantity; Material and Workmanship Specifications; and Design Calculations.