Funding shortage forces UN agency to cut food rations in Central African Republic

UNITED NATIONS, May 2 (Xinhua) -- The World Food Program (WFP) said Tuesday that "insufficient funding has forced the agency to halve food rations distributed to the most vulnerable Central African families."
The WFP said its humanitarian response plan for 2017 is only seven percent financed.
Despite tremendous needs, the Central African Republic counts among the world's most forgotten crises and receives ever-shrinking humanitarian funding.
"Half of the country's people require humanitarian assistance and more than two million are hungry," UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said at a daily news briefing here, citing information from the UN food agency.
WFP immediately requires 12.5 million U.S. dollars to meet the most urgent needs of extremely vulnerable people, Dujarric said.
A civil war in the Central African Republic broke out on Dec. 10, 2012 between Seleka rebel coalition and government forces.
Despite significant progress and successful elections, the Central African Republic has remained in the grip of instability and sporadic unrest.