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South Sudan

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Dozens of children held captive after abduction from Lasu refugee camp
Radio Tamazuj , 12/11/2016
The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) says it is saddened by the recent killing of two ethnic Nuba refugees in the Yei area of South Sudan and is concerned about the wellbeing of more than two dozen abducted children who are still missing. In a press release on Friday, UNHCR pointed out that 39 refugees were abducted on 19 October, citing testimony of survivors. Later, on 5 November, a group of seven were released with their hands tied behind their backs but were attacked again whilst trekking to safety in Yei and two killed. “The UN refugee agency is gravely concerned over the recent abduction and subsequent killing of refugees near the refugee hosting area of Lasu Payam. The fatal shooting and machete attack by armed groups killed two and wounded five Sudanese refugees from Sudan’s South Kordofan region.” A witness who preferred not to be named told Radio Tamazuj, “We have peo...
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UNHCR and FAO help vulnerable refugees and South Sudanese families strengthen their food security
UNHCR, 02/06/2016
The UN Refugee Agency and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations have distributed seeds and agricultural tools to 200,000 refugees and their host communities across South Sudan to help them become more self-sufficient in a country facing a serious food crisis. Assessments have shown that the food and nutrition security situation is worrying in many parts of the country, including in Upper Nile – a region hosting four refugee camps and South Sudan’s largest refugee population of 134,000 Sudanese refugees. A nutrition survey, conducted in late 2015, found that Upper Nile’s Maban refugee camps registered higher levels of malnutrition compared to 2014. This was particularly the case in Doro camp, where the rates of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) and Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) were respectively 15.5 percent and 2.6 percent – above UNHCR standards of 10 per...
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Government committed to standing With Refugees
Radio Miraya, 22/06/2016
The government says it is committed to meeting its international obligation to host refugees. South Sudan is home to more than 272,000 refugees. 90% of the refugee population are Sudanese fleeing fighting and unrest in South Kordofan and Blue Nile States. The bulk of these are settled in camps in Upper Nile and Unity states. Communities from Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic are also registered in camps in Western and Central Equatoria. Speaking at a colourful celebration to mark World Refugee Day in Juba, the Deputy Minister of Interior, Gabriel Duop Lam said the transitional government of national unity will continue to ensure the protection and safety of refugees. “The government of national unity will maintain and open door policy when dealing with genuine refugees and asylum seekers,” said Lam. “We have a moral respons...
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UNHCR decries death of refugees in South Sudan’s Upper Nile State
Sudan Tribune, 04/06/2016
The United Nations Refuge Agency (UNHCR) said it deeply saddened by the tragic death of a refugee and two local South Sudanese who sustained fatal injuries during an incident in Upper Nile’s Doro refugee camp on Monday. Although the agency said its staff were gathering details on the circumstances of the deaths, initial reports reportedly suggest that members of the host communities and refugees clashed on Monday during a football match organised as part of UNHCR’s efforts to promote peaceful coexistence among communities. South Sudan, according to UNHCR, currently hosts more than 266,000 refugees, mostly from South Kordofan and Blue Nile States in Sudan and that over 134,000 refugees live in four camps in Upper Nile state’s Maban county. Tensions, UNHCR said, have been growing between the two communities for weeks over the alleged theft of pigs and goats. Refugees and loc...
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Five years into southern Sudan conflict, refugees still flee
UNHCR, 02/06/2016
After five years of war in southern Sudan, thousands of refugees are continuing to flee, placing further pressure on already strained resources in neighbouring South Sudan, the UN Refugee Agency said today. June 5 marks the 5th anniversary of the conflict in Sudan’s South Kordofan state. So far in 2016, more than 7,500 refugees from the region have arrived in Yida in South Sudan’s northern Unity area. In May alone, nearly 3,000 people reached the area, which is already home to some 70,000 refugees. With the conflict in Sudan intensifying, thousands more are expected in the coming weeks. The refugees are mainly from Heiban, Um Doreein and Al Boram counties, in South Kordofan’s Nuba Mountains. They spoke of escalating violence, including ground attacks and aerial bombardments there. Refugees spoke of escalating violence, including ground attacks and aerial bombardments ther...
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UNHCR provides basic needs to Sudanese refugees in South Sudan
Sudan Tribune, 07/05/2016
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said it has been providing basic needs to Sudanese refugees fleeing to South Sudan due to conflict in the neighbouring country. In a statement extended to Sudan Tribune, UNHCR said it has also reached up to 1,200 vulnerable internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Western Bahr al Ghazal state. “UNHCR has also provided sanitary pads, blankets and kitchen sets to some 1,200 vulnerable women in Mboro, as part of an inter-agency response to 5,000 internally displaced people from Wau County,” it added. More Sudanese refugees, it said, have arrived in South Sudan with 944 Sudanese from South Kordofan arrived in Yida, near the border, in the last two weeks of April, representing a 45 percent increase compared to the first two weeks of April. It said the new arrivals reported hunger, aerial bombardments by the Sudanese army ...
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Looking beyond ‘quick-fix’ solutions, UN agencies help South Sudan refugees become self-sufficient
UN News Centre, 02/06/2016
Two United Nations agencies have joined forces to distribute seeds and agricultural tools to 200,000 refugees and their host communities across South Sudan, helping them become more self-sufficient in a country facing a serious food crisis. This year, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have jointly contributed 186 tons of crop seeds, assorted vegetable seeds, hand tools and fishing kits for refugees and local communities in Unity, Upper Nile, Jonglei, Central Equatoria and Western Equatoria. “We are pleased to announce that these interventions are working well, but we are also looking beyond quick-fix solutions that help refugees become more self-reliant and less dependent on humanitarian assistance in the long run,” said UNHCR Representative Ahmed Warsame. “This is the essence of the UNHCR-FAO partnersh...
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South Sudan refugee outflow grows as relief funds lag
UNHCR, 19/04/2016
GENEVA, April 19 (UNHCR) – A combination of new fighting in previously peaceful areas, food insecurity and severe humanitarian funding shortages continue to cause a sharp worsening of the situation in South Sudan for many civilians. Recent fighting between government and opposition forces in Western Bahr al Ghazal state has displaced more than 96,000 people to Wau, a small town in the north-west of South Sudan, the world's youngest country. All the African nation's six neighbours – Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda – are now reporting rising refugee inflows, at a time when operations to meet their needs are severely underfunded. "With the Regional Refugee Response Plan funded at just eight per cent, many life-saving services are threatened and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is extremely concerned," spokesperson Ariane ...
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Food insecurity drives more South Sudanese to Sudan
UNHCR, 29/03/2016
GENEVA, March 29 (UNHCR) – Increased food insecurity in South Sudan – caused by the ongoing conflict and deteriorating economic conditions – is driving an increasing number of people to seek refuge in neighbouring Sudan, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has warned. Heightened food insecurity and growing unrest in parts of South Sudan, especially in the north-western States of Northern Bahr El Ghazal and Warrap, have resulted in the flight of some 38,000 people into East and South Darfur since the end of January. "UNHCR fears the situation could quickly worsen as the nutrition situation in Upper Nile, Warrap, and Northern Bahr Ghazal grows increasingly serious," UNHCR spokesperson Adrian Edwards told reporters at a news briefing in Geneva on Tuesday (March 29). "They need humanitarian help including food, water and basic relief items," he added. The Government of Sudan's Human...
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Books not bombs for Sudan refugees
IRINNEWS, 09/02/2016
One of the first stops for people fleeing the conflict in Sudan’s South Kordofan region is the town of Yida, 20 kilometres across the border in South Sudan. The town shelters more than 70,000 Sudanese refugees who have set up homes, businesses and have established themselves within the local community. But now, in an effort to decongest Yida and provide better services, the government and humanitarian partners are trying to persuade them to relocate to an official camp in Ajuong Thonk, further south in Unity State. It was established in 2013 to shelter civilians fleeing the fighting between the Sudanese government and rebels of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM). The camp shelters 31,000 – a population that has more than doubled over the course of 2015 – and is likely to expand further still with the en...
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