
Fish farm nets benefits for Congolese refugees and Ugandan hosts

Lake Rwamunga fish farming association allows its 25 members to earn a living, save regularly and then borrow funds to finance their own livelihoods projects.

9 Jun 2017

The project getting refugees on their bikes in London

The Bike Project helps refugees embark on new lives in the UK capital, giving them a way to travel around the city and a vital support network.

31 May 2017

UNHCR chief calls for compassion and solidarity this Ramadan

As the holy month begins, Filippo Grandi asks us not to forget the plight of millions displaced by violence and conflict.

30 May 2017

What I Learned Trying to Become a Pro Footballer in the UK

I think you have to be a bit faster and stronger, if you want to play professionally in Europe.

29 May 2017

Burundian nurse cares, and is cared for, in Uganda

Bosco works at a hospital at Nakivale settlement, where he tends to refugees and locals alike. When his own health crisis struck, his Ugandan colleagues were there for him.

26 May 2017

Refugees sent back from Austria find new hope in Croatia

Wissam and Ali lost heart when Austria sent them back to Croatia under EU rules, where they are now forging a future for themselves and their families.

26 May 2017

Teen Spirit: Edinburgh students help Syrian refugees to integrate

University students ally with Chaplain to provide a helping hand to disorientated teenagers, who fled civil war.

26 May 2017

Dreams of glory drive Eritrean refugee cycle team in Ethiopia

Six refugees separated while in exile find hope in cycling as they rebuild their friendship in Addis Ababa.

18 May 2017

Congolese family puts tragedy behind them and heads for new life in France

Bora Riziki fled DRC to South Africa. Later, after her husband and brother were killed, she was given the chance of a new start with her children in Europe.

15 May 2017