Syria Regional Refugee Response
Inter-agency Information Sharing Portal
Inter-agency Information Sharing Portal

Partner Information

UN Women
UN Women
Country Offices & Branches
UN Women (UN Women)

Report Date: 30/03/2017
The contents of Iinformation Kit No. 16: 1. Overall map Stats and Locations, 1 2. Foreword, 2 3. Persons of Concern: Syrian Refugees UNHCR Registration Trends in Iraq (97% in KR-I), 4 Funding Status, 5 4. 3RP Inter-sector/agency response interventions 3RP 2016 sectors, leading agencies and objectives, 6 3RP 2016 Response Summary, 7-8 Sectors’ Dashboards, 9-16 3RP 2017 on-line reporting by all agencies: Information Management as coordination support, 17 5. Non-camps (urban areas) and specific themes Profiling urban areas: Joint planning Government and UN agencies, 18-20 Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance, 21-22 CwC (Communication with communities), 23 Quick Impact projects, 24 6. Governorates overview: Who is doing What and Where (3Ws) and Camp Profiles Erbil: 4 camp profiles, 27-35 Duhok: 4 camps, 37-45 Sulaymaniyah: 1 camp, 46-48 5. List of agencies and contributions, 49 Cover paining by Ako Goran: Of art and resilience.
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