Operation: Indonesia
Latest update of camps and office locations 21 Nov 2016. By clicking on the icons on the map, additional information is displayed.
Key Figures
2017 planning figures | |
1,000 | people of concern will be assessed for vulnerability |
550 | resettlement registration forms will be submitted |
260 | people of concern will receive cash grants |
20 | children will be enrolled in primary education |
10 | community groups will be supported |
2015 end-year results | |
4,426 | asylum-seekers were registered |
308 | best interest assessments were conducted |
774 | cases were submitted for resettlement |
Latest Updates and Related Links
People of Concern
Increase in
2016 | 14,405 |
2015 | 13,548 |
2014 | 11,186 |

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- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
The overview of the 2016 report for this operation will be uploaded and available shortly.
Operational context and population trends
Throughout 2015, UNHCR continued to implement its protection activities in Indonesia, with a particular focus on addressing the needs of a significant number of unaccompanied children. Child protection mechanisms were expanded and community-based protection measures were strengthened. UNHCR also engaged with the Government and other partners to promote alternatives to the use of detention as a deterrent to asylum and immigration and develop measures to prevent statelessness by encouraging birth registration. In addition, the Office pursued a range of comprehensive solutions for people under its mandate.Political developments in countries of origin, particularly Afghanistan and Myanmar, as well as the introduction of a range of restrictive policies by Australia to address irregular movement within the region, continue to strongly influence the operational context in Indonesia. The majority of people of concern in Indonesia originate from Afghanistan, followed by Somalia, Myanmar, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, and Ethiopia. As a result of the crisis in the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal in May 2015, some 1,000 Rohingya refugees were admitted to Indonesia and were provided emergency assistance and protection. Over the course of the year, the total population of concern increased by over 20 percent compared to 2014.
Key priorities in 2016
As part of its multi-year strategy, UNHCR will continue to provide protection and work on solutions for people of concern, while also promoting temporary stay arrangements when feasible. Factors that will continue impacting the operation include: restrictive policies by key resettlement countries; mixed population movements in and out of Indonesia (specifically maritime movements); smuggling and trafficking activities; the use of detention as a deterrent to asylum and immigration; lack of livelihood opportunities; and the ongoing protection needs of Rohingya boat arrivals in Aceh.UNHCR will continue to:
- Process claims for refugee status determination (RSD) and facilitate resettlement for the most vulnerable;
- Promote comprehensive solutions, including for temporary stay arrangements, access to livelihood opportunities and legal labour migration schemes in line with the urban refugee policy;
- Address the growing backlog of RSD cases by increasing the efficiency of the process;
- Build the capacity of government counterparts and raise awareness on refugee issues;
- Advocate to end the detention of children, identify and promote alternatives to detention, and improve conditions in detention facilities;
- Facilitate the integration of people of concern within host communities and address concerns raised by local authorities and members of host communities through awareness raising and sensitization;
- Implement, in coordination with the Government, programmes for the prevention of statelessness, such as promoting universal birth registration for refugees and asylum-seekers, advocating for measures to address gaps in birth registration procedures, and mapping specific populations at risk of statelessness.