This year, many Syrian families like Hilal and her children, are spending another Ramadan far from home, living in dire conditions without proper food or shelter. Families .
The holy month of Ramadan unites people and celebrates communities sharing their blessings. There’s a heartwarming sense of kindness and generosity at every corner.
'Ramadan is more lonely here than in Syria', Hilal said. 'In Syria there are more family and friends like Ramadan should be'.
This Ramadan, you can help make a difference in the lives of Syrian families like Hilal’s.
Your donations can help vulnerable families keep a roof over their heads and food on the table, allowing them to live in dignity.
Please open your heart and give generously this Ramadan.
• €30 could provide kitchen sets for two refugee families to help prepare Ramadan meals
• €45 could provide ten plastic buckets to help families carry clean water for drinking
• €65 could provide food assistance for two refugees to help them break their fast
Please Donate Now!
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*Your donation will support UNHCR emergency work where Syrian refugees and internally displaced people within Syria are in need.
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When you click on Make Donation, you will be directed to a secure server hosted by WorldPay, which processes online donations on our behalf.
*Your donation will support UNHCR emergency work where Syrian refugees and internally displaced people within Syria are in need.