Henning Mankell’s strongest memory


Photo by UNHCR/M. Sibiloni/2013.

“If I were to choose one thing, it was when we went to the health centre in Rwamwanja settlement and I saw a young woman maybe around 20 years old standing, leaning against a building as if she were propping it up. But, in reality, she was in pain because she was giving birth. It made me think not just about refugees fleeing, but also about the birth of new refugees inside a camp and what it means to be born in a refugee camp. It got me thinking about expectant mothers and what kind of future would a child born in a camp have? I think they will have a future.”


Henning Mankell visited a refugee settlement and a transit centre in Uganda, neighbouring Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Read an interview with Henning Mankell at http://www.unhcr.org/528e0d846.html

1 family torn apart by war is too many

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