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The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation - http://www.mellon.org/
- In recognition of the important role the Thesaurus plays in the forced migration information community, the Mellon Foundation graciously allowed Forced Migration Online (FMO) to apply funds received for digital library collection development to the development of the online version.

Forced Migration Online (FMO)
- http://www.forcedmigration.org
- FMO seeks to facilitate access to and promote the organization of information relating to the situation of forced migrants worldwide.

Oxford ArchDigital - http://www.oxarchdigital.com
- The Thesaurus was developed using Oxford ArchDigital's ToadHMS, a flexible and fully customizable content management system. ArchDigital is also working with FMO on a number of other projects.

Refugee Studies Centre (RSC) - http://www.rsc.ox.ac.uk
- Forced Migration Online (FMO) is hosted by the Refugee Studies Centre, Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford. The RSC library has been a long-time supporter and user of the refugee thesaurus, and is a member of UNHCR's Thesaurus Task Force.

UNHCR Library and Visitors' Centre - http://www.unhcr.org
- The Library aims at raising public awareness of refugee issues through its important collection of refugee literature, E-resources, reference services and its specialised publications, "Refugee Survey Quarterly" and the "International Thesaurus of Refugee Terminology" now available here on-line.

The following new terms have Scope Notes extracted from the UNBIS Thesaurus published by the UN Library, New York:

1) Basic needs
2) Biotechnology
3) Capacity building
4) Disaster preparedness
5) Gender mainstreaming
6) Globalization
7) Human security
8) Logistics