Title Human Rights Violations in Brazil
Publisher World Organisation Against Torture
Publication Date 30 May 2006
Country Brazil
Topics Children's rights | Criminal justice | Effective remedy | Freedom from torture, inhuman and degrading treatment | Freedom of assembly and association | Freedom of expression | Minority rights | Right to liberty and security | Right to life | Right to self-determination | Women's rights
Cite as World Organisation Against Torture, Human Rights Violations in Brazil, 30 May 2006, available at: https://www.refworld.org/docid/46c190710.html [accessed 3 November 2019]
Comments An NGO report to the United Nations Human Rights Committee, including the Committee's concluding observations A project presented by CEDECA/BA – The Yves de Roussan Defence Centre for Children and Adolescents, CLADEM – The Latin American and Caribbean Committee for the Defence of Women's Rights, FIDDH - Inter-American Foundation for the Defence of Human Rights and coordinated by OMCT
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