Last Updated: Thursday, 25 May 2023, 07:30 GMT

Query Responses

Query responses are replies to focused queries or requests for Information that are submitted in the course of the refugee status determination process.
Showing 1-10 of 11 results
Cambodia: 1. Are children in Cambodia who have a disability, particularly a neural development disorder such as autism, discriminated against and subject to ill-treatment? Please include a brief overview of disability in Cambodia.

19 October 2010 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Zimbabwe: 1. To what extent do people with a disability face societal discrimination or harm in Zimbabwe? 2. To what extent does the Zimbabwean state provide protection to people with a disability who face discrimination or harm? 3. Is there any evidence of people being discriminatorily denied the protection of the state for reason of their disability? 4. What facilities / supports are provided to people with a disability by the Zimbabwean state and NGOs? 5. What is the situation for people of Indian ethnicity in Zimbabwe? 6. Are there any reports of people of Indian ethnicity being harmed by members of Zanu-PF, war veterans or the Zimbabwean state? 7. Is there any information indicating that people of Indian ethnicity tend to be regard as pro-MDC or anti-Zanu-PF? 8. Please provide information on the level of state protection available to people of Indian ethnicity who may face harm from other members of society.

6 August 2010 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Russian Federation: 1. How are people with disabilities treated in daily life in Russia? 2. Do they face discrimination in employment? 3. What protection does the government provide against discrimination or other forms of harm (for example physical violence in the streets) which people with disabilities may suffer? 4. Is methadone illegal in Russia? What alternative forms of treatment are available for former heroin users?

19 October 2009 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Zimbabwe: 1. Is there any reference material to indicate the manner in which Zimbabwe society generally treats or considers persons with mental illness? 2. Is there any evidence that persons suffering such illness are denied basic support or treatment or discriminated against under Zimbabwe law or culture?

7 May 2009 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Indonesia: 1. Please advise of the difficulties faced by disabled females in Indonesia, in particular dwarfs? 2. Please advise if disabled females in Indonesia have access to education and employment and if they face any other discrimination? 3. Please advise of the propensity of female genital mutilation in Indonesia; the type and at what age it occurs. 4. Please provide information on the propensity of female genital mutilation amongst the Arab community in Indonesia. 5. Please provide information on the type of circumcision that is performed in Yemen and at what age. 6. Please advise if the Indonesian government or police provide effective protection to dwarfs and to those facing female genital mutilation from their family. 7. Please provide any other information that is relevant regarding female genital mutilation in Arab communities in Indonesia and protection of or difficulties faced by dwarves in Indonesia

31 March 2009 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

China: 1. Do you have information on Qian Huan? 2. Do you have information on Xiao Jing Huan? 4. Do you know who the President of Fujian province was on 4 February 2008? 5. What information is there on sending political dissidents to mental institutions in China generally, or Fuzhou specifically? 6. Do you have any information on the bribing of medical staff or police to be released from mental institutions? 7. Do you have any information on conditions inside mental institutions, in Fuzhou or generally?

10 March 2009 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Bangladesh: 1. Please provide general information about the health system in Bangladesh. 2. Please provide information on the treatment of the elderly or disabled

6 January 2009 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Malaysia: 1. Muslim to Christian converts; 2. Non practising Muslims; 3. Disabled children. Is there any evidence in support of the following? 4. Forced female circumcision; 5. Christian females being forced to marry Muslims; 6. Children being removed if not being raised as Muslims; 7. Anything else of relevance

27 March 2008 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Philippines: 1. Is there any general information about police and local official corruption in Bulacan? 2. Is there any information about discrimination due to disabilities in a family?

May 2007 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

Cambodia: 1. Does the State discriminate against persons with HIV in Cambodia? 2. Is the State providing assistance to HIV positive persons in Cambodia? 3. Is there societal discrimination against persons with HIV in Cambodia? 4. If so, what form does it take? 5. If there is societal discrimination in Cambodia against those who are HIV positive, does the State act to protect persons with HIV? 6. Please provide information on the availability of medical and support services in Cambodia to persons who are HIV positive. 7. What is the quality of life for persons with HIV in Cambodia at present? 8. Would persons with HIV in Cambodia face difficulties in gaining employment?

9 February 2007 | Publisher: Australia: Refugee Review Tribunal | Document type: Query Responses

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