
The unbreakable Khaled

At age 15, he lost both arms and his mother in a horrific mortar blast. Still, the young Syrian refugee is intent on living life to the fullest.

18 Aug 2015

Sowing hope in Calais

Three French volunteers – a pensioner, a painter and an architecture student – bring Wi-Fi, art and shelter to refugees and migrants.

17 Aug 2015

Miracle Ali's nightmare at sea

Just 40 days old, a boy with Down's Syndrome may never remember his journey to Europe. His parents will never forget it.

14 Aug 2015

From camp to campus

Pursuing her goal to become the first female neurosurgeon in South Sudan, Esther has focused her mind on study in Kenya's Kakuma camp.

12 Aug 2015

Sicily to Syria and Back Again

Alberto Camastra had never lived anywhere but Damascus. But as Syria's war closed in, his long-dead grandfather offered a way out.

7 Aug 2015

The birds of peace

At one refugee settlement in Lebanon, birds offer many Syrians a taste of the precious freedom they were forced to leave behind.

6 Aug 2015

An Old Conflict Causes New Wounds in Iraq

After fleeing Sinjar, Asam thought he found safety in Dohuk province. But there another danger lay beneath his feet.

5 Aug 2015

Brothers in Resilience

Separated from their parents in the Central African Republic, 12 boys pull together to create their own family in Chad.

3 Aug 2015

David Morrissey in Greece 2015

David Morrissey, actor and UNHCR supporter travelled to Greece to meet refugees on the island of Lesvos who have recently undertaken, and survived, a perilous sea journey

28 Jul 2015